Recent content by 71dart

  1. 71dart

    Scoooter's Green Crack DWC LED First Grow - 2017

    One thing I've learned reading and growing: there are infinite methods. You're participating in a tradition spanning millennia, and a little civil disobedience. Relax, have fun.
  2. 71dart

    Show me your amazing plants!

    Getting closer
  3. 71dart

    Will you be in the path of totality?

    If so, how do you plan to enjoy the eclipse? I'm going to test harvest a couple buds from my current grow of White Widow to cure next week. Think I'll vape that after eating a homemade sativa cookie. I'm hoping to stretch time and thereby prolong my enjoyment of the experience. I'm curious...
  4. 71dart

    Show me your amazing plants!

    Heavenly. Thanks for the compliment. This is my first indoor grow to flower and I'm excited about how she's doing.
  5. 71dart

    Show me your amazing plants!

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