Recent content by BillFold

  1. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    @Backlipslide I went to a local grower supply and got a Bacillus Blend, sprayed it all over the plants from the bottom up and the top down, 1/4 teaspoon to 1 gallon of water. That was at 2 pm. I just checked the tent(7 pm). There is absolutely NO sign of it anywhere anymore. I mean like wow...
  2. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    @Backlipslide Checked, sprayed with baking soda, let dry and checked again 2 hours later. No bugs. I checked closely too since they are so small, and especially under the leaves. I'll keep going with the spray and hope for the best. Next grow I'll start out with a few new weapons under my belt.
  3. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    No bugs but I'll check thoroughly again this afternoon. I am spraying and it helps but I may also get a bottle of that GrowSafe. Is it one of this sites sponsors? I don't want to get my ass in a jam for mentioning them. What I want to use is a Bacillus based treatment, and I need to get it fast...
  4. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    Went to a friend who's been growing for saome time. He got me going with the Bicarb spray. I washed them down pretty good, going to follow up twice a day for a while and maybe get some Bacillus fungicide.
  5. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    Been reading up and it seems like either Potassium Bicarb or Sodium Bicarb(baking soda?) makes an effective spray to control this kind of mold so I am going to start spraying them every few days until harvest (in 2 weeks). That brass-ring is just ahead. I can't hop off this horse now, after all...
  6. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    I think I found the answer, and it is bumming me out BIG time. "White Powdery Mold"? God damn. It's only on about 5-10 leaves and it isn't affecting the plants. I handled some last week and it simply dissappeared, like Talc. The leaves I wiped them off of have not gotten anymore and the leaves...
  7. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    OK, so a week ago I found some sort of powder on one small spot on one of my plants. It has the consistency of talc. The slightest little touch and it just disappears. Late today I found another spot on the other plant. Same thing, just a few little speckles of powder. Not sure what it could be...
  8. Powder.jpg


  9. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    This is just the start too. Yesterday I could not see any resin. None. I looked with my trusty spy glass too.
  10. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    A close-up of one of the girls a few minutes ago. Terpenes and Trichomes anyone? @PK @013 @Buds Buddy
  11. Terpines-Trichomes.jpg


  12. B

    Georgia Marijuana Reform Act Of 2020

    Yes, a revolution in thinking. NOT a weaponized revolution. That's probably what Tronald Dump wants, an armed revolution. Fuck that guy. Let's give Biden's team a chance. That is the way it is supposed to work.
  13. B

    Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees

    A couple of new pics of the plants as of an hour ago. These are the first pics in about 6 days but the plants are spreading out and filling out so nicely I thought I'd update the Journal. Nothing new to report on the technical side. Watering each day now, 1 1/2 pints spring water per plant and...
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  15. Tops12-14.jpg


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