Recent content by Blowing trees

  1. B

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    What up guys in coco should I flush with ph water or non phed?
  2. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Yes defo thanks for the help mate
  3. B

    Nutrients & run off

    £2400 each for led is expensive but defo consider in the future. I only decided for led only because it doesn't draw heat as much as hps. I already have a 600w hps bulb with shade and digital ballast (hacienda) with Dimi switch. Anyway cultivator what would you say is the best training method...
  4. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Thanks for the input glaucomameds. How do u think it would do in a 1.2x1.2x2.5m? Yeah mate I seen some of the prices on leds really expensive! I'm just not sure ATM. But how effective is a 600w hps cool tube?
  5. B

    Nutrients & run off

    This looks good. All the reviews are good aswell ..
  6. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Higherthehigh what would you say is the best cool tube hps set up including fan size?
  7. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Nutrients & run off Yes I read a lot of good thing about sensi but I thought I'll ask you seeing as though you are experienced and know your stuff. Yes I'm going to use your coco and nutrients as a journal. Yes I'm in Europe uk. I'm going to use led due to less heat. I used a 600HPS a while...
  8. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Thanks for the link higherthehigher
  9. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Yes cultivator I found it and subscribed to it thanks mate No I appreactie the honesty, I use to give them EC 0.8 but realised I couldn't see any growth, when I start feeding EC 1.6 everyday they was getting bigger. I'm usining canna A+B at the moment. Now I understand because I'm getting advice...
  10. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Yes thank you everyone! Yes smeghead I know I have seen some of his stuff he knows his shit!
  11. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Ok thanks for that mate can you post a link of your threads so I can subscribe? New to this don't know how to use this properly
  12. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Thanks for the advice it's just everywhere I read everyone says different things. Today I shall flush till run off has no nutrients, and when feeding PH at 5.8 should the EC still be at usual 1.6? Or start of with less feed?
  13. B

    Nutrients & run off

    Thank you for the reply! I will give it a flush today later on. I think it's near enough to harvest that's why it's slowly yellowing. I wasn't so bothered about this plant due to work and everything, I got it under 250w hps
  14. B

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Hi everyone I need yall help I posted a thread/question I have so many views but weirdly no replies. I wanted to make a journal for my next grow so everyone can help me but the way things are going I doubt. I have a issue with run off I shall post the link. Thanks Nutrients & run off Nutrients...
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