Recent content by cearp

  1. cearp

    Denver Colorado Doctor

    Me and my fiance are moving to the area soon and are looking for a doctor...
  2. cearp

    Looking for denver colorado doc

    Looking for doctor in Denver to help me get medical for anxiety and also need help with guidlines and ext. Any info helps
  3. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

    Thank you. Im sure ill figure something out. Theres always a way. Anyways, still doesnt help me with the question... And also any doctors pro mm i should get in contact with before i move so I can get my mm card on arival...
  4. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

    And maybe one day ill open my own dispenserie Lol my fiance is going for culinary arts to cook edibles.
  5. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

    Its not fed assistance. Its basically like getting drug tested for a job. And yeah I know. That's why I want a stable career first.
  6. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

    Someone has to have some knowledge
  7. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

  8. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

    Please help
  9. cearp

    Denver, Colorado?

    I've recently concidered schooling in Denver at Lincoln tech school. I want to be a botanist for medical but to start that career off I want to have a stable career. But ofcourse knowing how stable MM is in Colorado I want to get a medical card for my anxiety and grow and smoke. I currently...
  10. cearp


    I ended up taking a fishtank and filling 5 inchs deep with water. I put a fish tank heater in it. I then took the bottom part from an egg carton andstem would go through and hold tight and bottom of . cutting would be submerged. I also put a air stone in it hooked up to a fish tank pump and...
  11. cearp

    Thanks man. I appreciate it.

    Thanks man. I appreciate it.
  12. cearp

    ph up down?

    Google doesn't have exact measurments and idk how credible that information is. I don't have lemon juice but I do have viniger? It said that on a lot of the google things. I just need to lower my ph and I'm supper worried about the new clones.
  13. cearp

    ph up down?

    I don't have ph up or down but I. Heard there is somethong house hold you can use for ph down. Does anyone know what that might be?
  14. cearp

    Thanks so much man. If you don't mind me asking what are 420 points exactly? My pm doesn't work...

    Thanks so much man. If you don't mind me asking what are 420 points exactly? My pm doesn't work because I don't have 50 posts yet
  15. cearp


    Help! Clones in glass of water. Need to know best way to get them to root without gell or powder.
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