Recent content by crasher

  1. C

    Arctic Bowl's 1st Ever Attempt At A Grow Journal

    They look so good bud, :bravo:
  2. C

    Guide to making Cannabis Gummy Bears with pics

    wow, awesome!! I have never seen something similar before. Thanks for sharing. I have to try it. looks so good.
  3. C

    Is there a vape-pen that actually vaping?

    I am tempted to try all of you had suggested. The only one that I have tried, has been Pax Era but I wanna try others and see how well they work out. thanks for sharing.
  4. C

    Best dry herb vape pen

    hard to answer, it's like saying which is the best car. Depending on many factors and tastes.
  5. C

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Sorry, I didn't explain well. what I meant is, what differences there are between smoking cannabis oil and smoking a joint. Thanks for both answers. They have been very useful and I have been able to understand more about cannabis oil.
  6. C

    Buying new LEDs

    what budget you have?
  7. C

    Day 20 into flowering

    they look good. I wouldnt be worried. keep up going.
  8. C

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Hi, I am newbie and I wanna know the differences between cannabis oil and normal one? Thanks
  9. C

    Basic info on fluorescent lighting

    wow!! Thanks a lot for the useful information! best post ever about fluorescent. :bravo:
  10. C

    I need help choosing a good e-cig type device

    I am looking for something like that, any other cheaper recommendation? Thank you
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