Recent content by DaddyKush

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  2. DaddyKush

    FF Oceans Forest ph at 4.5

    No emilya, it's not extremely bad advice. It's how I've dealt with acidic soils for close to 30 years, and it has worked every time. Never killed a plant yet.
  3. DaddyKush

    Lighting issues

    Get back on your regular 12/12 schedule and you should have no ill effects. I've never heard of a 6/18 light schedule in bloom, and I wouldn't try it. I always go to 11/13 for the final two weeks of bloom to boost resin production, maybe try that. But 6 hours is way too little in my opinion.
  4. DaddyKush

    Will this be okay for a simple sprout only grow room?

    What are your plans once the plants are bigger? Do you have a space for bloom?
  5. DaddyKush

    FF Oceans Forest ph at 4.5

    Lime and/or worm castings will both buffer your pH somewhere close to the 6.5 - 7.0 range. If all you can get is pelletized lime, just use a rolling pin or something similar to grind it into a powder. Apply water to see the beneficial changes. If you start with your medium in the right pH range...
  6. DaddyKush

    Not sure what the cause is here: it just started a few days ago and I wanted to fix it before it had gotten bad

    We need more info. What is your temperature and relative humidity? Looks like signs of heat stress.
  7. DaddyKush

    Seeding deformed: help needed

    Check your pH. Looks like a pH issue to me.
  8. DaddyKush

    Leaves curling and yellowing

    How To Ask For Grow Support
  9. DaddyKush

    First time growing

    I have no idea what your question is, but they look fine so far. :laugh:
  10. DaddyKush

    What deficiency is this?

    Too much potassium maybe. Give her a good flush. More info would be helpful if you want the right answer. Read this.
  11. DaddyKush

    Tap root stopped growing?

    It's just a very humid environment which has traditionally been a very successful way to germinate seeds. The trouble with it is that at times, a heat mat needs to be used and the heat mat has a tendency to dry out the paper towel and kill the seed if you forget to check on it for too long.
  12. DaddyKush

    Tap root stopped growing?

    I always get mine straight into soil as soon as the taproot is out. Too much room for error otherwise.
  13. DaddyKush

    Are these amber enough

    Who's jumping all over who? Who's being argumentative now??? Sheesh. I simply asked why you feed nutes to a plant after flushing it. Bad day? That last post of yours was rude as fuck and didn't need to happen.:confused:
  14. DaddyKush

    Are these amber enough

    It all depends on what nutes, if any, are in use. Flushing often is not necessary at all. I personally wouldn't feed nutes to a plant that's been flushed and is going to be chopped in a few days. You're assuming salt based nutes are being used here and I don't see where that was ever stated.
  15. DaddyKush


    Properly asking for grow support is a lost art here. Now everyone posts a couple of pics and expect the rest of us to do all the work without knowing shit about the grow.
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