Recent content by headstrung420

  1. H

    I wonder if

    well if you kinda think of it everyones body is diffrent so i guess to the individual, they get their own type of med, high, or pain relif in their own way. i am native ameercain (cherokee) they used it for spritual guidance, rituals, and for medication. fun fact: some religions belive...
  2. H

    Needing somer advice

    ok i have a few situations i need some input on. first of all my children are under a 400w hps light, one is 8 in tall do i need to go on and put it into another pot, its in a solo cup now. yes?? 2nd issue is one of the two has turned brown on me, that from too much watering? can i save it? and...
  3. H

    Smoke Tricks

    Re: Smoke Tricks. the auto shotgun, place blunt joint whatever in mouth as if going to give a shotgun, hold hands over face as you would to protect a sneeze, nose and moth, and blow shotgun as you inhale thru nose, the auto shotgun :tokin:
  4. H

    north carolina

    North Carolina: Legislation that seeks to legalize the physician-supervised use of medical marijuana has been reintroduced in the North Carolina legislature. House Bill 577 amends state law to "authorize an individual to use marijuana for medical purposes as directed by a physician." HB 577...
  5. H

    Unsulphured Molassas - how much?

    ive heard 50-50 on both the bud candy is good and that molassas is good too, what really is the diffrence? and if your at a point where you can doble up on your nurt. then can you add or mix them both? molassas & bud candy- (or whatever):tokin:
  6. H

    How I learned to roll

    i rember in in my younger days we would get our score and sit down with papers, and just roll until it was perfect, kinda was like a competive thing. eventually i got down to rolling machine perfect. how i do it is -fold paper to desire length, fold on end of paper(keeping it toghter)- make a...
  7. H

    420... fact and fiction

    good job, -you know what time it is? its 420. think you can find where the term "fire it up" came from? but good looking out. great way to do your homework.:thumb:
  8. H

    Head shops in SC and NC?

    there are 4- four in greensboro nc :tokin:
  9. H

    You know your high when

    Re: You know your high when.... when you forget to smoke, ever been stoned and forget that you got a loaded pipe in your hands?:tokin:
  10. H

    Slightly Stoopid - Collie Man

    sweet tunes :tokin:
  11. H

    Any country folk out there?

    here in the carolinas, we enjoy our beaches, mountains, and city. but enough of the travel info. i enjoy going fishing, shooting, summertime sun and warm waters, lots places to go car shows ,festivals, shooting billards, and the most sitting outside with a good beer and some great smoke...
  12. H

    Why do you smoke weed?

    i smoke becuse, my native amercain family has done it for years on end as a thereaputic, medical, and socailble, way of life. not to mention it helps me relax, helps me to eat correcctly, and for my sleep. i fucking love my cannabis.:tokin:
  13. H

    Pineapple Express

    it is good smoke, should be fluffy with alot of crystals on it, and a sweet famillar taste. one of the most cleanest ways to smoke is thru a bong, or vapo. welcome to our world freind. Happy toking. :tokin:
  14. H

    Hash question

    when mine get small lik e that i try to shave it verry fine that way you can just add what you need with your knife edge. ( kinda like you would a line of powder) that way its fine and easy to use. just a suggestion tho:tokin:
  15. H

    The things you think when you are high

    "im sorry, i was stonned. What did you say?" lmfao :tokin:
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