Recent content by MalKumara

  1. M

    Who would you smoke with?

    I came home from my girlfriend's apartment just now, we smoked some weed, and got high there. Today is Imbolc, and we really experienced the Magic of Imbolc today! For a moment or two we thought that we were hallucinating.. Ganja is also the Healing of Relationships, Healing of the Nations. Of...
  2. M

    Ayurvedic Medicine where Cannabis plant is used.

    Formula of the Ayurvedic Medicinal preparation of Madana Modakaya. The main ingredient of this medicinal preparation is the Cannabis oil prepared as in the method given on my previous post. There, THC is suspended in an animal fat (oil) base. The other herbs used in this preparation are as...
  3. M

    Ayurvedic Medicine where Cannabis plant is used.

    How to Prepare Cannabis serum (oil) for use in Ayurvedic Medicine In Ayurvedic Medicine, Fresh Cannabis leaves and seeds are used. The buds contain the highest concentration of the active medicinal compound, Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC), but the buds are not used in Ayurvedic medicine. These...
  4. M

    Ayurvedic Medicine where Cannabis plant is used.

    There are several Ayurvedic medicine where Cannabis is used for its medicinal properties. Among them, the most common medicinal preparations are: Kameshvara Modakaya Madana Modakaya Buddhaaja Kalkaya Ranahansa Rasayanaya All these are taken orally, and legal in Sri Lanka as Over The...
  5. M

    Sri Lanka - No Cannabis in Dehiwala and Mt Lavinia these days

    I buy Cannabis from a taxi driver in Dehiwala. I go there and get in to his taxi, and he drives to the coastal area, near the beach, the shanty town. I don't even get down at there. I give him money. He will go and get me the stuff and come back while I'm waiting in his taxi. One package is...
  6. M

    Can we get a board for Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka is a small country, but there are nuber of Cannabis users in Sri Lanka who are on the Internet. Me and my Girlfriend smoke cannabis every weekend and have some fun. She also use it to relieve menstrual cramps, and I use it to relieve work related stress and be more creative in my...
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