Recent content by Odin

  1. Odin

    Bonsai Girls

    Hey all. Been MIA from the site for a few years. I have been living in an apartment in the city, and don't have room to grow indoors, so I have not been able to grow for several years now. As I was starting my veggie garden this year (my apartment has a small deck), I decided screw it, why not...
  2. Odin

    California Cotton Candy

    No LEDs anywhere nearbye. These pictures were taken outdoors in natural light. Look at the background. Every once and a while some folks try and discredit these pictures, but I know there are plenty of people on this site that know the full color spectrum Cannabis is capable of. These were seed...
  3. Odin

    Who are you voting for 2012?

    That is just a slap in the face. Intentional or not. Since I don't have much faith in write in votes (or the entire election for that matter), I will most likely vote for Gary Johnson instead of RP since he is on the ballot. The RNC was rigged and they stopped at nothing to silence Ron...
  4. Odin

    California Cotton Candy

    Thank you!!
  5. Odin

    What are common mistakes made by first time growers?

    :popcorn::laugh: I'm not sure if I should bow in awe or inform you that the Sun's kelvins and light spektrum are going to be completely useless to 99.99% of outdoor growers (or indoor for that matter). Growing pot isn't rocket science, the kelvins and sun spectrum sure do play a roll in...
  6. Odin

    Barbara Lee in, Nancy Pelosi out of Pot Bill

    Yup. This doesn't surpise me one bit.
  7. Odin

    President Obama is the Key to Decriminalizing Marijuana, Tommy Chong Says

    Chabot sounds like a tool and a half. :rolleyes3 However we all know Obama will not reschedule Cannabis. I'm glad ol Tommy is optimistic about it. I'm not.
  8. Odin

    Who are you voting for 2012?

    Do you have anymore information about this? I would like to read more about it. RoorRip
  9. Odin

    Jorge Cervantes' or Ed Rosenthals' Bible?

    Dang, and I was in SF for the Giants/Indians game this weekend and I didn't even know there was a Medical Cup going on there. Doh!!!!
  10. Odin

    What are common mistakes made by first time growers?

    "The sun hits red in fall, which triggers bloom." Um, what? I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. Aside from that, the other bolded portions of your post don't make much sense either. Unless the latter portion of what I quoted and bolded was in reference to indoor growing. Even then...
  11. Odin

    Just my 2 cents

    I write a lot of letters, especially about issues that are important to me. A lot of people don't realize it, but sometimes these letters have an impact. Especially when these representitives can see just how many people took the time to write about something they care about. I don't know how...
  12. Odin

    Who are you voting for 2012?

    At this point, Ron Paul looks like the best bet. No one took him seriously in years past, I am hoping he is as real as he appears. I can't say for certain until more time goes by. Just hope Obama is a one termer and he doesn't pull the sheeple in a second time....
  13. Odin

    Members of Congress to Introduce Historic Legislation Ending Marijuana Prohibition

    Re: Members of Congress to Introduce Historic Legislation Ending Marijuana Prohibitio Wether or not this ever sees the light of day, this is just one more reason to vote for Ron Paul 2012.
  14. Odin

    Just my 2 cents

    Just sent a letter to my representitive about HR2306.
  15. Odin

    NOTM 420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: June 2011

    Re: Nug of the Month June 2011 Tough decision. :goodjob:
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