Recent content by Oldgrowth

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  2. O

    Amyloid Disease

    I am at peace dears, as much as at any other time I can recall. I still can walk a bit w/ help and garden w/ some physical support. I'm growing this year w/o thoughts of harvest that others have promised to help. But now w/ May not done there are 4 beauties out back that promise an oasis of...
  3. O

    Amyloid Disease

    Update: I've entered Hospice (that has much to recommend it I am finding. Kin will harvest and then ...?) Some of yez, I would not dare to try to name, are so thoughtful and spot on. Thank You. Sorry to hijack your thread a little Andi but it felt a fitting way to say goodbye, and I promise I...
  4. O

    Amyloid Disease

    TY so much A. and back at you with much love. This is my best growth year yet.
  5. O

    Amyloid Disease

    that is a lot bro
  6. O

    Amyloid Disease

    I've been hassling systemic amyloid disease 10 years now, and with a recent diagnosis of cardiac myopathy the long siege is nearly over. Thickening of the rt ventrical fairly soon will cause a fatal stroke. Too old for a transplant and too sick most likely. Covid has me locked in for the likely...
  7. O

    Does anyone else get sick?

    (I suffer from AL Amyloidosis.) The VA recently changed a policy related to Agent Orange. If you were around this stuff back in the day and show the symptoms of amyloidosis-they can be varied and totally disabling- then you are immediately qualified as fully disabled. This took 40 years. I...
  8. O

    Does anyone else get sick?

    I have spent 12 years suffering a systemic undiagnosed disease that has affected my entire body. Growing cannabis is just about all I have been able to do. I finally have a diagnosis, AL amyloidosis, that recently manifested as cardiac amyloidosis creating heart failure with a prognosis of 1...
  9. O

    What is the best way to dry and preserve the cure for smooth, sweet buds?

    2019 update: I've modified my drying to use hanging drying racks (for herbs) rather than hang an entire branch that wastes a bit of fine herb as it is hung and transported. Slippery little trichomes may drop any which way. This is contained more by a rack. So, I cut single nugs or just a few...
  10. O

    Temperature and growing

    Where I grow, in ground, temps vary from 40s to 60s at nite, 60s to 80s daytime. Would you expect the same relationship to temps here too? (I've long wondered.)
  11. O

    Cannabutter dosing

    From what I've seen from my perch in So. Cal. is that as time passes the laws governing cannabis and herb availability will likely loosen up, and that will happen over not so much time. Since you can grow 6 plants and have 6 seedlings in OK, like CA, it should be possible to do your own thing...
  12. O

    Cannabutter dosing

    I also use MBM. I make it strong too, 1 oz of nugs and good trim per lb. I may toss in some decarbed bubble hash into the choc butter brownies goop. As OS points out one can always use less. You need to experiment. Don't forget that your THC tolerance may also change. I grow 4 or 5 plants each...
  13. O

    Can I Make Cannabutter From Fresh Bud & Trim?

    I now use the MBM to make canna butter for a powerful nite time edible. About 2 oz of nugs and trim decarbed are processed with 3 lbs of rich butter. I use a sturdy colander to squeeze out as much processed butter as possible. The 3 lbs of untreated butter 3 cups) become 2+ cups of rich canna...
  14. O

    Can I Make Cannabutter From Fresh Bud & Trim?

    Have you tried using fresh to make bubble hash? After freezing the trichomes come off more readily I believe than the dry and it's of course much quicker.
  15. O

    Can I Make Cannabutter From Fresh Bud & Trim?

    I try to "use everything but the squeal" (as was formerly said about the Chicago stockyards.) 4 plants are plenty for what I do. 1. The nugs with sugar leaves are dried in a hanging rack-this loses fewer trichomes than merely hanging. 2. Nugs and trim are separated after drying then cured for...
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