Recent content by PLAT

  1. PLAT

  2. rso-dosage-calendar-chart1.png


  3. PLAT

    Good read

    Science just discovered how cannabis combats Alzheimers: Role of the cannabinoid system in the transit of beta-amyloid across the bloodâ€"brain barrier
  4. PLAT

    A little late

    ...but 'Greetings' nonetheless! And here's to our freedom to embrace all that is good! :peace: :Love: and, by all means, Think!
  5. PLAT

    Arizona To Legalize Recreational Marijuana

    Arizona Industrial Hemp Farming Initiative (2016) - Ballotpedia Arizona Legalization and Regulation of Marijuana Act (2016) - Ballotpedia
  6. PLAT

    2016 AZ Initiatives

    Marijuana on the ballot - Ballotpedia Arizona - MPP
  7. PLAT

    Born-again Christian - Pro-Marijuana

    Take it easy J. If you knew me you'd know I'm the last one that would ever claim to be holier than anyone. The original post is for other Christians that have either struggled with or wondered about Marijuana's place within their worldview. One love. And for the record, there's nothing wrong...
  8. PLAT

    Looking for local AZ strains

    Specifically in Phoenix and it's surrounding cities.
  9. PLAT

    Born-again Christian - Pro-Marijuana

    Not a 'pot head', a partaker. Moderation and appreciation... we must respect the herb for what it is. Now understand, I love Jesus to death ...and for the record, He is our only hope (Acts 4:11,12). I am a stark proponent for the legalization of marijuana for both industrial hemp production and...
  10. PLAT

    Looking for local AZ strains

    Are there any high CBD low THC strains out there right now?
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