Recent content by TKEster

  1. TKEster

    Medical Marijuana Case Dismissal Is Victory For Advocates

    He may have gotten away with not being prosecuted but the 3,000 patients still suffer, which is the purpose of most punitive actions.
  2. TKEster

    Scientists Create Pot With No High

    If you have to work or do anything that requires some focus and attention to detail, and yet are needing the palliative effects of the cannabinoidal substances, this would be perfect. And, some people, perhaps many, don't want anyone to feel better assuming we're all evil and deserve whatever...
  3. TKEster

    Cartels Say Thank You To OC's Medical Marijuana Crackdown

    Cartels invade our forests cutting down trees, poisoning the land, and generally creating an unsafe environment in our forests. I presume they're happy because crackdowns give them a reason to grow more, and charge more for mediocre product. When something is illegal the crooks can charge more...
  4. TKEster

    Why The Oregon Attorney General Race Has National Implications For Marijuana Laws

    I don't know if I missed it or not, but "Why the Oregon Attorney General Race Has National Implications For Marijuana Laws" doesn't really tell us why it does that. The best answer I can find is "The Oregon election places a spotlight on growing tension between federal and state authorities over...
  5. TKEster

    Vaporizers Prove Effective In Treating Medical Marijuana Patients

    Does vaporization eliminate any residual mold on the plants?
  6. TKEster

    Pot Crack Down

    The idea that there are not that many sick people who could use cannabis medicinally doesn't take into account the thousands of people on chemotherapy, having MS, glaucoma, arthritis, degenerative diseases causing chronic pain, etc.. There are a lot of sick people out there. Many do not have...
  7. TKEster

    Cannabis and Kidney transplant prohibitions

    I am currently experiencing chronic Kidney disease (have for 20 years+ now) but now am on dialysis and starting the process for getting a transplant. As many know, the people who do transplants don't like cannabis and will not allow anyone who uses cannabis to receive transplants. I am in...
  8. TKEster

    How to flush THC from fat cells

    High saline soaking baths seem to work; kidney dialysis works well also..but don't recommend it for the casual patient. I was using 2 cups of sea salt per bath and soaking for at leastr 30 minutes...per day. Also hot showers followed by a cold rinse off (or cool at first, working up to cold)...
  9. TKEster

    Transplant Centers Refuse MMJ patients transplants..

    I've heard at least two people have died in Washington state waiting kidney transplants due to the fact that they were medical marijuana users. The sole issue as far as I can tell is the 'smoking'. Any kind of smoking is a no-no for transplanted kidneys. I'm trying to tell them that this isn't...
  10. TKEster

    Plummeting Marijuana Prices Create A Panic In Calif.

    This is the American way. Only the big boys get to play. When Walmart starts buying cheap plastic pot from China, you'll know we're on the way. competition is anethema to the capitalist system in reality, in theory it is supposed to keep it honest, that's why most business people love...
  11. TKEster

    High Hopes for Medical Pot Users

    As an Oregon Medical Marijuana patient-grower (with little to no patience), I'd have to say that the freedom from worry about getting nailed by the local police, state police, county sheriffs, etc, more than compensates for still being subject to arrest, torture, and incarceration, followed by...
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