Recent content by Zer0x00

  1. Z

    Outdoor grow tips

    ummm, I stated earlier that I am attempting to grow outdoors.
  2. Z

    Outdoor grow tips

    I know HOW to grow it, I'm just concerned with any other things that people tried and noticed having good results.
  3. Z

    Outdoor grow tips

    btw, would it be recommended to do that thing where you put the seeds in between moist paper towls to make them sprout earlier?
  4. Z

    Outdoor grow tips

    the main problem I'll have is finding a good spot. I live in a small city and there isn't a lot of green around where my house is so I'll have to go some ways away from the city. Oh, we have a park but there aren't any secluded areas in it.
  5. Z

    Outdoor grow tips

    This spring I'm seriously considering attempting to grow something outdoors. I already know about all the security measures I'd have to take and I still have eto find a nice, secluded spot but I have a few questions that I would appreciate recieving answers to. 1) Generally, how long does a...
  6. Z

    Who To Vote For?

    I got Kucinich as #1 and Sharpton as #2
  7. Z

    UK relaxes laws against Cannabis

    problem with this is that when the Tories get into office they're gonna reverse this.
  8. Z

    Passing drug test info ( need reply )

    drink LOTS of water, and piss and sweat a lot. You'll do fine.
  9. Z

    Who To Vote For?

    what site?
  10. Z

    Our rights

    The problem with defending your rights against police is that people tend to believe that the police are a body of super-human beings that aren't subject to anything. The public seems to think that if you defend your rights against the police that you're guilty. That is, the instant you don't...
  11. Z

    Oregon NORML's Escaping the DEA

    With (outdoor) growing season coming around for a lot of people, I came across this text file on about tips to avoid being busted. THis is generally geared toward growers and dealers. Some of what the article talks about is kind of outdated (obviously) but there are still a great...
  12. Z

    420 Dictionary

    about damn time *something* was made sticky
  13. Z

    420 Dictionary

    I saw one online that was complete, but I can't remember where.
  14. Z

    420 Dictionary

  15. Z

    420 Dictionary

    suggestion: add an entry for the concept of "matching" something.
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