420 Magazine

Papa OG
Papa OG
Two major issues associated with cremated ashes: high pH and high sodium (salt). These two aspects make for a harmful and most likely lethal combination to plant growth.

Cremated ashes have an extremely high pH that inhibits plant growth. This high pH makes essential nutrients unavailable for the plant to use, and, therefore, it does not get the necessary nutrition to grow. Lowering the pH to an optimum range will release beneficial nutrients making them available to the plant allowing it to thrive. Regular soil and potting soil do not have the buffering capacity to significantly lower the pH.

The other limiting factor with regard to cremated ashes is the inherent excessive sodium (salt) content. Plants need a very small does of sodium. Cremated ashes have an excess of sodium causing deficiencies in essential nutrients, primarily potassium.

Adding small amounts of loved ones to the garden is ok!

Grow On! :love::passitleft:
I wasn't going to put my parents in the soil, I thought about it, and was questioning if human remains would be considered bone meal. Lol.
You are absolutely correct @OGpapa 😊
I'm glad I didn't do this to my garden; either of them!!
Definitely changes the idea of 'spreading their ashes'. 💎💎💎
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