auto cheese

  1. J

    New grower, New here and would like your input on this plant.

    Would like your opinion on this Auto Cheese. This plant was started in soil and it grew 2" in 3 weeks and It was nowhere near the other strain I was growing. I dug it out (it had a good root system), rinsed all the soil away and put it into a DWC set up and it took off like wildfire. There was...
  2. Ripe1

    Ripe1 Grow#1 - Cheese Auto In Soil Tent LED Fall 2017

    Welcome, have a seat, smile and say Cheese!!! Auto Cheese. Free Auto Cheese! What is on the menu? Strain: Cheese Auto Fem. (free from AMS as I spent $117 on regular Cheese and NYCTurboD) I/S: 75% Indica 25% Sativa Seed Medium: Jiffy Pellets Soil Medium: Fox...
  3. flytier

    Info on CKS CBD Auto Cheese?

    Hey, everybody. I just bought a 5-pack of CBD Auto Cheese and I'll be putting them in water this evening. Just wondering if any growers out there who are familiar with it can give me some info on it. They say it has a flowering time of 8 weeks, and I'm curious of the seed-to-smoke time. Also...
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