
  1. Ron Strider

    Here's What Caused This Marijuana Stock To Skyrocket 15% In November

    Medical marijuana has been used to treat epilepsy in patients for years, but so far, it's efficacy and safety hasn't been supported by a regulatory green light from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Based on recently reported results for Epidiolex, a cannabidiol epilepsy medicine, that...
  2. Ron Strider

    A Powerful Drug Derived From Marijuana Is On The Cusp Of Federal Approval

    An experimental drug derived from cannabis to treat epilepsy is on the brink of becoming the first of its kind to win US government approval. The drug's active ingredient is cannabidiol, the compound in marijuana thought to be responsible for many of its therapeutic effects. Cannabidiol...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Can Cannabis Cure Dravet Syndrome?

    Charlotte Figi had her first seizure when she was three months old. It began after a warm bath, a common precursor to the first seizures in Dravet Syndrome. Within a couple of years, she was experiencing over 300 spontaneous grand mal seizures a week. You may have heard of Charlotte's story...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Can Cannabis Cure Dravet Syndrome?

    Charlotte Figi had her first seizure when she was three months old. It began after a warm bath, a common precursor to the first seizures in Dravet Syndrome. Within a couple of years, she was experiencing over 300 spontaneous grand mal seizures a week. You may have heard of Charlotte's story...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Can Treat Tourette Syndrome

    New research has shown us further concrete evidence that cannabis can treat severe motor and vocal tics in those suffering from Tourette syndrome. The latest research out of the Department of Psychiatry at Tauranga Hospital in New Zealand used Sativex, a whole plant extract of cannabis made...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Can Treat Tourette Syndrome

    New research has shown us further concrete evidence that cannabis can treat severe motor and vocal tics in those suffering from Tourette syndrome. The latest research out of the Department of Psychiatry at Tauranga Hospital in New Zealand used Sativex, a whole plant extract of cannabis made...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    University's Study Identifies An Astroglial Trigger Mechanism For Fragile X Syndrome

    Tufts University School of Medicine's Yongjie Yang, published a study in the Journal of Neuroscience that recognizes an astroglial trigger mechanism as supplying to symptoms of fragile X syndrome in mice. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is an inherited condition, in which the distinctive nature is...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    University's Study Identifies An Astroglial Trigger Mechanism For Fragile X Syndrome

    Tufts University School of Medicine's Yongjie Yang, published a study in the Journal of Neuroscience that recognizes an astroglial trigger mechanism as supplying to symptoms of fragile X syndrome in mice. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is an inherited condition, in which the distinctive nature is...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Here's Why This Marijuana Stock Marched 10.6% Higher In June

    What: After reporting that its marijuana-derived drug Epidiolex reduced the number of monthly seizures in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, GW Pharmaceuticals Plc shares jumped 10.6% last month, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. So what: Earlier this year, a phase 3 trial in...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Here's Why This Marijuana Stock Marched 10.6% Higher In June

    What: After reporting that its marijuana-derived drug Epidiolex reduced the number of monthly seizures in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, GW Pharmaceuticals Plc shares jumped 10.6% last month, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. So what: Earlier this year, a phase 3 trial in...
  11. TheFertilizer

    Cyclical vomiting syndrome

    Does anyone have any experience with this? My new GI doctor mentioned that sometimes chronic marijuana users have "slowed digestion" that causes problems like I have been having. Well I am not one for layman's terms so Iooked it up and believe he is talking about Cannabis Hypermesis Syndrome...
  12. Jacob Redmond

    Smoking Marijuana Associated With 50% Lower Chance Of Developing Metabolic Syndrome

    Marijuana users are stereotypically portrayed as lazy, leading a generally sedentary lifestyle. They are also prone to get the "munchies," which science proved to actually be a thing a few months ago. Those two factors are leading causes of metabolic syndrome, so one would think that marijuana...
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