4-20 is wasted on me.

tronix said:
Tonight is the All hallows eve for us smokers, being our un-official holliday..it is also my non-smoking wifes birthday...therefore I dont get to enjoy this holliday as I should. Its not fair. I guess I'll make up for it soon enough. Just wanted to gripe.
im a little confused?
yeaaaaaah!.. get ur wife to smoke.. tell her to try it.. it aint gonna hurt her..

but, sorry u dont get to smoke on the holiday.. try to get away from her and go smoke a bowl or something..
I feel your pain man. My girl has asthma so she doesn;t smoke and I can't smoke around her. She doesn't mind though so I'm straight. Good luck.
It's really good that you respect your wife's wishes, especially on her birthday. You'll be better off in the long run!
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