420 Magazine Sponsors

420 Magazine is always asking us to use products from the sponsors but if it's hard to find them and/or if you need help from them, that's when people generally will turn to easier answers.

I think it would be nice if you could find the list of sponsors from one of the menu headings, which can't be done now. It would also be nice if we actually had a sponsorship forum where each sponsor has their own thread and where members can post questions for them. Any chance that is something that is doable?

I love 420 Magazine and I just want to improve it and I believe my suggestion above is reasonable.

Thank you, Bubblin but I don't see 3 bars in the top left corner or where it says 420 sponsors.
Does this help? I circled the 3 bars in the top left.. if you can’t find it after that then... gremlins.


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Yeah, I don't have that. It looks like you might be on a phone and I'm on my Mac.
Ya I’m on a phone, never used this on a computer sooo idk but I assure you the sponsor page is hidden there somewhere.

And, that is exactly why I suggested adding them to one of the menu bar items since they are hidden somewhere.

Thanks for trying to help.
And, that is exactly why I suggested adding them to one of the menu bar items since they are hidden somewhere.
Is your screen the same as what's in the screenshot below?


Do you see the "Sponsors" link to the right and the banner ad in the header?

If not and you use any ad blocking software, try turning it OFF or whitelist 420magazine.com to see what happens.
Thank you, Marc.

That's weird that my Ad Blocker would block a menu item. I turned it off and the Sponsors menu item shows and when I turn it back on, it doesn't show. Very strange. :confused:

I have Ad Blocker as our Internet is really slow and ads make pages so much slower to open.
Is your screen the same as what's in the screenshot below?


Do you see the "Sponsors" link to the right and the banner ad in the header?

If not and you use any ad blocking software, try turning it OFF or whitelist 420magazine.com to see what happens.
Thank you, Marc.

That's weird that my Ad Blocker would block a menu item. I turned it off and the Sponsors menu item shows and when I turn it back on, it doesn't show. Very strange. :confused:

I have Ad Blocker as our Internet is really slow and ads make pages so much slower to open.

I'm on a PC with Windows 7 and it was the same thing as I had to shut off my Adblocker in order to see the Sponsors tab. Not sure if with yours if you can exempt certain websites from it or not, some have that option and some don't I think.
I'm on a PC with Windows 7 and it was the same thing as I had to shut off my Adblocker in order to see the Sponsors tab. Not sure if with yours if you can exempt certain websites from it or not, some have that option and some don't I think.

Yes, I do have that option. Thank you. Maybe AdBlocker looks for certain keywords like "sponsors" and that's why it was hidden from us.
Is your screen the same as what's in the screenshot below?


Do you see the "Sponsors" link to the right and the banner ad in the header?

If not and you use any ad blocking software, try turning it OFF or whitelist 420magazine.com to see what happens.

I don't see the "Sponsors▼ " link at the very top of my page in Firefox. Never have. I had always assumed it was from one of the scripts that the NoScript browser add-on was blocking. But I checked one day, and only saw the 420Mag script (which I allow, as it's required for basic forum functionality) and the googletagmanager one (which I don't). I knew the latter did not control this thing, so "Hmm..." Then I tried temporarily disabling the uBlock Origin add-on - and that allowed the link to appear. That one appears to have a relatively extensive set of configuration options. But I was lazy, and ran with a mostly default setup. I'm still not sure exactly what governs whether that specific link gets allowed. Seems a bit odd, to me. I mean, I understand the banner-blocking, that's basic. However, an actual visible, clickable link to your page of advertisers, that's not some kind of hidden thing, or obtrusive. A user has to "click" on it, and if/when es does, presumably it's because es wants to see that list. Assuming that the thing that displays that link is only doing that and nothing more, I cannot help but feel that this action is just a little too "proactive." If I still possessed the mind of a 20-year old, I'd do some digging to find out exactly why that particular element is getting blocked, and try to figure out whether it could be reformulated to pass muster. I am a big fan of script-blockers and such - and not solely for the reason that HashGirl mentioned. And not just on my laptop; trying to surf the web with an "unprotected" browser and/or network on my cell phone causes the thing to get so hot that it's literally uncomfortable to hold, and its state of battery charge to drop as if it had fallen off a figurative cliff. But I do think they could be a little better. Still, I will take the lesser of two evils, so to speak, every time.

Nonetheless, as a user of this forum, I do believe that I have a... I don't know that "duty" would be the appropriate word, exactly, but I have a responsibility. This forum is free for me to use - but it is not free to operate. Server and bandwidth fees are not inconsequential; this is not the result of someone's ISP's "personal website builder," and it gets a huge amount of traffic on a daily basis. While this is not my favorite forum software, it is my favorite forum, lol. That software costs money. There are free alternatives, but they have their limits, and would not really be feasible for us. The forum add-ons that some find value in also have a cost. The owner of the forum, devoting a great deal of time to it - and this includes "behind the scenes" stuff that most people don't even think about - needs to derive at least some income from it, or he's going to have to say screw it and go punch a time clock for someone else if he expects to eat, live indoors, etc. Paid employees and associates who provide specialist/professional services. Volunteerism is great, But some things have to be done on the forum's/business' schedule, not "I'll get to it after I get off work, or maybe after dinner if I'm not too tired, in which case I'll surely do it tomorrow, after I mow the lawn, maybe." If this thing IS their job, their source of income, then it gets prioritized. And all of that stuff costs money.

So I make sure to visit the list of forum sponsors/advertisers regularly There is a handy link above the stickied threads in the sponsors area of the forum, but I also have it bookmarked so I can jump straight to it.. I also visit that sponsors' section regularly. Maybe I can use one of the products/services that are being discussed. More likely, perhaps someone I know can, and it's helpful (for everyone) if I am at least somewhat familiar with the information/particulars, so that I can make useful suggestions to others.

I urge everyone else to visit that sponsors' area, to read about some of the products/services, to interact with the forum reps, maybe even to make suggestions that could improve things. And also to visit the webpage, on a semi-regular basis, that lists all of our current ones. Not every business that contributes to the upkeep/maintenance/bills here has a forum rep. I can think of one that, if I remember correctly, has been on the list since at least as far back as when I joined the forum (that'd be 2009) that, as far as I know, has never made a single post here. They just quietly pay their bill, because someone (the owner of that business, I assume) there believes that this forum should continue to exist. That kind of loyalty deserves something in return, IMHO. And those banner ads that appear at the top of the pages... Even if you don't actively block them, the mind gets pretty adept at doing that job for you. You might go a long time without really noticing any specific business' banner ad even if it happens to be one of the ones that get displayed during your visit. But if you make a point to go visit the page that lists them all, you'll notice them because that's why you're looking at the list.

So go on with you, lol, what are you waiting for. . . .
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