420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: July 2023

Congratulations to
:adore: July's Photo of the Month Winners :adore:

1st Place - @Jon

“How’s a Girl to Choose?”


2nd Place - @dr.h00k

Critical Mass CBD


3rd Place - @Beyored


Congratulations to all the winners, CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
Congrats to the winners! :Rasta:
Congratulations on your well deserved win this month @Jon! :welldone: And congrats. to the two runners up as well @dr.h00k and @Beyored.:high-five: Great job all!:thumb:
Well say hello to one dude in total shock. I knew I had no shot in any of the contests this month. Then I get up and check the site and I see a message, so I casually open it thinking it would be from a buddy. Nope. It’s from Renee. You gotta be kidding me.

THANKS SO MUCH moderators!!! This means more to me than I can tell you. So happy you liked the picture - I honestly thought it was more comic relief than anything else! Last thing in the world I expected this morning.

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