
420 Member

I want to grow in a 260L 3x3 bed in No-Till with mulch, cover crops, and dry amendments. I went to a local grow shop and they recommended this mix:

All are BioBizz products:
- 100L AllMix
- 50L Coco
- 40L vermicompost
- 50L perlite. But I preferred to use Pozzolana for durability.
- 5L BioBizz PreMix

Since I bought the raised bed from EcoThrive which makes high-quality nutrients, I also took:
- 5L of Charge (droppings of beetles)
- BioSys compost tea

I also took 2L of If Tech's Mycor, composed of buckwheat hulls, flax, soluble seaweed powder, and micronized roots of mycorrhizal plants (Glomus intraradices), for initial inoculation.

I have some local Sphagnum (green and alive) that I can add. It will create areas of lower PH and higher water retention. Not sure if it is beneficial.

At the bottom of the bed, I plan to add some coarse woodcuts and coarse Pozzolana for aeration. I don't know if it is beneficial.

I struggle to find out if I shall just throw all the amendments or keep some to top dress later. Not sure about what is the right dosage.

Also, I wonder if I shall add other meals and minerals that may be lacking.

Do you have some insights?

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Tok.. :bong:
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