Can I buy at Walmart?

In my opinion rooting hormones are a complete waste of time. I use a bubble cloner of my own design(heavily borrowing upon others' ideas), and I simply cut the piece of the plant I want, scrape the tissue with the side of a razor blade(so it just scrapes off the skin a bit), and stick it in. You don't even NEED to do that part, but it speeds up results enormously. I have had cuttings rooted enough to plant in 3 days start to finish. Most take at least 5 though.
Yep, containers of water are great for that. Even better is to run an airstone in an open container of water. It evaporates it much faster.
In my opinion rooting hormones are a complete waste of time. I use a bubble cloner of my own design(heavily borrowing upon others' ideas), and I simply cut the piece of the plant I want, scrape the tissue with the side of a razor blade(so it just scrapes off the skin a bit), and stick it in. You don't even NEED to do that part, but it speeds up results enormously. I have had cuttings rooted enough to plant in 3 days start to finish. Most take at least 5 though.

Does anyone else feel the same way? I want to do the best for my clones. If it's best for the plants, I'd try both rooting hormones and a bubble cloner. Anyone else have an opinion?
I honestly don't even pay any attention to the temps around my cloner unless it feels cold or hot there. The thing is so forgiving it really doesn't need any ideal conditions. When I get my latest cuttings in there I'll try to take some pictures and start a thread showing how they are made.
Just get yourself a small air pump, air hose and bubble bar/airstone from the pet section of Wal-Mart ot Petsmart or any place aquariums are sold, a plastic container about the size of a shoebox and some styrofoam. I use the styrofoam from egg cartons and meat packaging, poke a few holes in it, put your cuttings through there and set it on top of the water. Make sure to cut the clone at a 45 degree angle and I even slice the stem down the middle for more surface area, you'll have roots in a few days...
roots form from that layer just under the surface so the scraping will help with or without hormone clean cutting technique and
doing the angle cut under water to keep the cutting stem drawing nutes through the cut help greatly

humidity domes are easily made from 2 liter pop bottles these will fit over 3 inch pots

bubbler mister cloners do provide optimal cloning conditions and seeing whats going on helps

back in the eighties some german PHD who had a bunch of poinsettia patented varieties told me in doing a 1000 clone run of poinsettias clean the greenhouse strelize with bleach and water is sprayer wash pots do with bleach and water rinse
use new sterile media or sterilize your dirt mix [oven roast 300% plus wet moist dirt 6-12 hours] use new razir blades and wash with 91% alcohol angle cuts under water and constant temp and high humidity use rooting powder fungicide if you have it
A tip for the unaware: Don't use "Kitchen safe" silicone in your bubble cloner. It killed 20 cuttings that I have no way to replace. Farewell to those genetics :( "Kitchen Safe" and "Plant safe" are apparently very different things.
A tip for the unaware: Don't use "Kitchen safe" silicone in your bubble cloner. It killed 20 cuttings that I have no way to replace. Farewell to those genetics :( "Kitchen Safe" and "Plant safe" are apparently very different things.

Did it say Aquarium safe and kitchen safe? The stuff I bought from wal-mart says Aquarium safe. But after that it says because it is neutral PH as the reason why it is Aquarium safe. What is the difference between Aquarium safe and kitchen safe?

What did your silicone say exactly on the tube?
Did it say Aquarium safe and kitchen safe? The stuff I bought from wal-mart says Aquarium safe. But after that it says because it is neutral PH as the reason why it is Aquarium safe. What is the difference between Aquarium safe and kitchen safe?

What did your silicone say exactly on the tube?

I am new to indoor growing , in fact this is my first post. However, from keeping aquariums for years, it is my understanding that aquarium safe silicone does not contain mildewcide. This chemical used to prevent mildew growth in kitchen and bathroom caulk but it is toxic to fish. It might be toxic to plants as well. Hope this helps.
I got my root hormone at home depot for $5.48 I was there in the middle of winter a few weeks ago in fact we were getting 8-10 inches of snow the day I went and got it lol I bought the Schultz take root powder hormone and my starter tray came from home depot but my rock wool and dome came from the hydro store.
Being a single mom I grow using most of every ones poor man grows so I buy any place I can get the best prices at either home depot Wal-Mart big lots or dollar stores, if they got it or I have to go to the hydro store some time
As for the dome it keeps my humidity well in the 50-70s under there so that helps a ton! some put a old fish tank over there tray or use serving trays from the dollar store with a plastic cover, and for a small bit I had some old plastic for windows and cut a small square out of that and put 4 plastic cups in each corner and draped the plastic over that for a dome keeping my humidity over 50 that worked too.
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