I was high and.....my funny high storie.


New Member
My best friend and I was high last weekend and went to the smoke shop. We were both buying the long insence and just looking around. Well we get ready to check out and I go up to the counter first. We were getting ready to have her and her husbands anual keg party the next day there is probley more pot smoke a flowing around then beer lol! Anyways I thought well I havint had any clove cigs for ages and they would go so well with the party. So I ask the lady do you have any ummm....ummmm.....ummmmm.....clove cigs? (lady)yes we do what type would you like? (me)ummm........*standing there with no thought in my head*ummmmmm they start with a D.......(Lady)Durhahams? (Me) Yes a pack of those. (Lady)Anything eles you need today? (Me)ummmmm......yes.....*totaly blank*....yes....ummmm....I know I needed something......Ummmmm.....(best friend)oh my god screens you need screens!!! (me) oh yeah thats it I needed screens. (lady) okay anything eles? (me)ummm.....yeah....ummmm.....oh lighter fluid (lady) what type? (me) *thinking why is she asking me this? oh my god why?* the cheepest *whew that was'int so bad* (lady) will that be all (best friend) YES (me)ummmm yes.

My best friend checks out no problem. Whew.

As we are walking out the door the lady says to the guy that was standing there the whole time. Well we know they are going to go smoke some!!!

My best friend has band me from the smoke shop high now. LOL

It was to funny. Smoke anouther one!! right? :cool:
its cool one time i went to convienent store to buy a lighter to blaze with and when i got it it didnt work so i went back in and told the guy and he flipped the switch that you need to flip b4 you light it was like an old man and i was ripped my freind who was 18 went in to buy some papes for me and im sure the old man new what was up lol
Me and my buddy were out on a stony cruise just finished the bowl like 2 minutes before we got pulled over for a broken taillight the officer gave me an R&R (repair and report) and i thought that was it he smelled the sweet skunky smell coming from my car so he searched and found my bowl and he took it he said dont worry u wont be charged i was cool thank u thank u BEST PART a week later i was at a smokin party with my buddy and his step pops we walk in and guess who it is the officer sitting on the couch smoking out of my $110 dollar baby so i walked up to him and asked him if he wanted to match he looked at me with this holy shit face and i asked him for my bowl back and he was cool anough to give it back thanfully so i sat and smoked with him for awhile and i didnt get charged for the piece either so that was a damn good day :adore: :smokin: :allgood:

Smoke shops are my faaaaavorite high. or just going into gas stations blazed. One time my friend couldn't find the 2 liters, he kept bringing 20 oz bottles up, and he had this cap for a free 2 liter or something. He brought up a 20 oz up 3 times before my freind went in there and got it for him and rang it up.
yeah wal mart does kinda creep ya out feels like your being watched where ever you go in there i know the one by me has like 48 different camera rooms its insane they see everything
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