Los Angeles NORML Letter Writing Party Sun Nov 1st

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Los Angeles NORML will be hosting a "Letter Writing Party" get together on Sunday morning November 1st at Bruce Margolin's Law office in West Hollywood from 9-11:30 am.

We are asking people to give us an hour of their time, that's all. More would be great.

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the current situation in Los Angeles and also to write letters to Los Angeles city officials about the medical marijuana ordinance that will then be hand delivered to each council members office on Monday Nov 2nd.

Also letters will be written to state officials urging support of AB 390, the Ammiano bill.

In talks with aides to council members it has become clear that we need to start an old fashioned letter writing campaign. Many aides have told me to "have your people write letters instead of yelling outside".

What we are told constantly is that politicians like to look at stacks of letters from constituents and point to them and say "look at all these letters I get about this". Apparently emails and phone calls have a much less effect, they are tallied and quantified but letters are actually read.

And the more letters we write the greater our impact will be.

This could be groundbreaking, getting all the local activist patients and groups together to plan a unified action.

What: Los Angeles NORML Letter Writing Party

Date: Sunday November 1, 2009

Time: 9-11:30 Am

Where: Law Offices of Bruce Margolin
8749 Holloway West Hollywood, Ca 90069

We look forward to seeing you Sunday Nov 1, 2009.

Yes we cannabis!
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