Reducing alcohol in my tincture CDB only


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have some CBD soaking in a mason jar for a couple months now in my homemade 190! I think it did well striping all the good stuff!

I am hoping the alcohol method is better than the hot & cold methods I have tried with glycerin and coconut oil.

My goal now is to have some really concentrated CBD with little to no booze in it. Now I am trying to figure out how to reduce the alcohol part without diluting the CBD part. I know that I could let it evaporate or simmer it (no flame) to get the booze part out but when I did the evaporation method I noticed residue on the side of the mason jar.

Any help or thoughts are always greatly appreciated!
Ok, so I have some CBD soaking in a mason jar for a couple months now in my homemade 190! I think it did well striping all the good stuff!

I am hoping the alcohol method is better than the hot & cold methods I have tried with glycerin and coconut oil.

My goal now is to have some really concentrated CBD with little to no booze in it. Now I am trying to figure out how to reduce the alcohol part without diluting the CBD part. I know that I could let it evaporate or simmer it (no flame) to get the booze part out but when I did the evaporation method I noticed residue on the side of the mason jar.

Any help or thoughts are always greatly appreciated!
Hi 77, good to see you. I use a countertop magnetic stove(induction) with a metal pan with water in the bottom. I break a wooden skewer in half and put it in the bottom and put a pyrex glass 8x8 pan on them. The stove lets me control the temp and I try to keep it around 145F. The 8x8pan with the alcohol/ weed mix will evaporate leaving the oil on the bottom. The tricky part is knowing when to stop. To soon you get some alcohol left. T long and it will dry out to a crystal form an be hard to scrape out. Both forms are good in my opinion. That's my story, there's many more I'm sure. I don't know about the residue you're talking about but having a flat bottom pan helps get all the goodness scraped up. Good luck!
I am no scientist, so take this with a grain of salt:

I read that CBD(a) boils/vaporizes at a nominal temperature of 266°F - but that it can do so at a range between 176°F to 275°F. Therefore, yes, it is possible that you could be boiling off (ethyl) alcohol at 173.1°F and come pretty close to potentially vaporizing some of it.

But what I think is occurring is that you are observing the result of "splatter" where the alcohol is boiling and leaving behind the things that are dissolved within and/or mixed with it. Because you are unlikely (IMHO) to get the temperature higher than the boiling point of your alcohol while that alcohol is still there - I vaguely remember some lab thing from junior high school in which we boiled an alcohol/water mixture and monitored temperature... and saw two separate "stages" of temperature (although I was thinking that the first one read 180°F instead of 173.1°F, lol, but maybe my thermometer - or memory - was screwy?). Kind of like if you're boiling (only) water and decide to turn your burner up as far as it will go, the water only boils off faster, not at a higher temperature.

Perhaps consider doing your boil-off in some kind of container that is much taller than the other two dimensions, so that any CBD(a) which does begin to boil/vaporize can more easily recondense on the sides of the container. Preferably one that is shaped so that you can easily go over it with a razor blade and recover the splatter, to add back to your principal.

OR... Thoroughly decarboxylate before making anything - unlike CBD(a), CBD boils/vaporizes at a nominal 329°F (range 320°F to 356°F), the bottom end of which being significantly higher than the boiling point of ethyl alcohol.

Alternate solution if you happen to be friends with a mad scientist: centrifugal partition chromatography :rofl:.

EDIT: I suppose you could switch to using anhydrous acetone for your initial extraction process, as it has a much lower boiling point (~134°F) than ethyl alcohol. Acetone poisoning is rare, since most people's bodies can break down relatively large amounts of it - but it can occur, especially if you happen to be a diabetic.
Alcohol concentrates
This thread by Grandpa Tokin may help

I use an 8*8 Pyrex in an 8*11 cake pan full of water on an electric griddle.

The residue is likely the concentrate condensing on the sides
Thank you some much folks for the great info! It's really cool how great how people help each other here! The temps you mention here are sure to the trick! I tried to make some oil for the wife with the evaporation method & fan and it was a fine line of being runny and turning into crystals like stoneotter mentioned.

I have enough of this to try a couple ways so I think I will try turbobucketsmethod with Torturedsouls temps! I have lots of stuff to experiment from! It's like combining a science class with a cooking class lol I can't wait for the next TV show that covers this lol

Again, Thank you, folks! Greatly appreciated
Thank you some much folks for the great info! It's really cool how great how people help each other here! The temps you mention here are sure to the trick! I tried to make some oil for the wife with the evaporation method & fan and it was a fine line of being runny and turning into crystals like stoneotter mentioned.

I have enough of this to try a couple ways so I think I will try turbobucketsmethod with Torturedsouls temps! I have lots of stuff to experiment from! It's like combining a science class with a cooking class lol I can't wait for the next TV show that covers this lol

Again, Thank you, folks! Greatly appreciated
When you get it made show us a pic or two if you can.
Will do Stoneotter! I was also thinking of throwing a couple of halls into this one batch cuz it still tasting nasty lol O
So just a little update on this. I have been waiting patiently for this batch to evaporate! There were 1 an1/2 jars and this is what is left. Still today YUCK nasty lol I just want to see if its any better or worse then the batch.

Oh oh then I must find a strain for patients then lol
So here we are Dec 28 and I thought instead of the taste test to see how much booze is still in this I decided to measure it. (Why I didn't think of doing this earlier???LOL) So as you can see we are still sitting at 155 proof. I started with two mason jars and 190 proof sugar shine. I have air evaporated to what you see in the one mason jar to date.

I am not sure how long it's going to take to get it down to a tolerable taste....not sure if it's going to be any better then if I "cook" the rest of the booze off.

I guess time will tell and I will continue to be patient lol

Nasty tasting still lol
Well here is another update! We are down to the last 3/4"! Just natural evaporation. Not sure what that stuff on the bottom!


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