this isn't anything to be alarmed at is it?


New Member
my lights go on at 10p.m. And off at 10a.m. I look at the plants every day at about 8a.m. they are almost to week 4 in flower. Some times then i look them over i notice some water pooling up on the some of the fan leafs that have other fan leaf crossing over them and the water pools up on the fan leaf that is under the other one. ( usally the top leaf is laying right on top of the other one)

i wouldn't Imagine that is shouldn't be anything to worry about but this is my 3rd. Grow and have never seen that in the other 2 grows
i have a fan on when the lights are on that pulls in air from out side the room to bring in fresh air and to help to cool down the room when the lights are on

My humidity for the grow closet stays between 25-35% with the lights on temps at 75F-83F and lights off temp at 60F-70F
Keep that fan on 24/7 Blowing on your plant that should help alot. Keep those plant shaking through out the night. That should stop the water build up that well cause MOLD later in flowering.
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