

New Member
Ms. Djimi Ras, myself, has a love affair with Mary Jane. I grow her, I smoke her, I nuture her and I totally support legalizing her. I do not feel as though Mary should be labeled as a drug due to the fact that it is a plant in which God has created and deemed as a herb for our personal use. All other points put aside, mankind should rule on the fact that the Bible states that all plants that grow seeds within themselves are good for our use. If they want to keep weed illegal then they should also restrict the use of the Bible as it fully states that God has ordained weed for mankind's use. :cool::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Those who aren't doing it should not hinder those who are....
Good morning sir;
Amen too that.
Hope this morning finds you happy,healthy and with a good buz.
What God has given,let no man taketh away.
I'll burn one 4 ya
Re: Re; welcome

High again,
I am from North eastern Ohio. you are about three hrs from where I used to live.
I moved to Ky in 1991,best thing I ever did.
I love it here and the people are so sweet and kind.
Well that's all for now.
May I add u too my friends list?
Welcome to the 420 forums Ms. Djimi Ras. We're glad to have you here, and it sounds like you're going to fit in just fine. I believe all of us are having a love affair with Mary Jane.

We have a tremendous amount of information here that we all share, and we look forward to hearing more of what you have to say as well. If you need any help with the site, just ask. You can contact any of the Hospitality Team members, including myself, for further assistance.
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