Bad day

Worst day, mentally, in a long time. No thoughts of hurting myself, but I have had no appetite, yet hungry, raging out at people who don't deserve it, depressed to the point of staring into space, and getting pissed off if someone interupts my catatonic stare into nothingness. I have medicine, but have been too angry to use it. Turned to pharmaceuticals, to try and calm me. If I had more natural medicine (cannabis), I'd be more apt to use it, but being so low, I'm afraid I'll just get more pissed off if I use what little is left. Cannabis, or lack thereof, is not anywhere near the reason I am going through this today. My mind just hates me, and won't let me find peace today. I hope tomorrow begins a better day. Certainly not expecting it though. :(


sorry you are feeling that way,I really much as I wish EVERYone had access to top shelf If pharmacueticals is what you have,stay with a program.

care to explain your diagnosis and pill selection?? send me a pm if you dont want it open to the world.

there is a shit ton of people,with what you've described.I am one of them.
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Thank you c526. I hate pharmacetuticals, but turned to Klonopin yesterday, after being left with nothing but pipe scrapings. Took a couple ibuprofen for pain. Neither helped. Pipe scrapings helped with pain, but gave me a headache. As for diagnosis, I've got bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder, autism, clinical depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, insomnia, PTSD, eating issues, knee injuries, back pain resulting from knee injuries, arthritis, a messed up foot, and I have anger issues. Cannabis helps with everything. It takes about a dozen pills to cover all my issues, and another half-dozen to help with side effects of the first dozen. With cannabis, the only side effect I have is munchies, so I have to keep a garden growing, and a cabinet and fridge full. Cannabis has been cheaper than all my pills, as well, for month-by-month amounts. I don't use a lot of cannabis. I end up packing a bowl, and that bowl lasting two days. It's just a small bowl, too. Cannabis has been my miracle medicine. I hope and (not sure to whom) pray for Amendment 2 to pass here in Florida.

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Today has been a better day, too. Still little-to-no cannabis, but feeling better nonetheless.
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I hear ya and you laundry list isn't that different from mine,you have me on the autism,but I'll throw in 2 heart attacks on top.and a icd implant:19:,feel better yet?? lmao

I do know that some of the mind pharmaceuticals will make things 1000x worse if you jump on jump off of them,Ive tried it.would make me angry as hell.
I just looked it up,,those klonopin pills are no joke. be very carefull with them. how long have those been prescribed to you?
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I'm off them today. Feeling much better. It's been a while I've been on them. Long time. I do hate them.
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