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  • Morda Grow suggested that I contact you re. what looks like a thrips infestation.

    I’ve got a nasty situation with 2 Gorilla Glue autos in very late flower that have had thrips for 2-3 weeks. Someone posted on the grow journal and that spurred me into action. Pix of the nasties posted in the grow journal and I’ve got Spinospad arriving tomorrow.

    Current plan is to use the Spinospad and hope that eradicates the pest(s) so that I can harvest the plants in a week or two (there are some amber trichs but most are clear, not cloudy).

    If the Spinospad fails, my thinking is to stay the course — hope that the Spinospad has caused some damage to the thrips and carry on until the plants are ready to chop.

    Could you to check out the grow journal and give me the benefit of your expertise?

    Thank you.
    You mentioned in a thread that spraying sulfer would get rid of often can you spray if it doesn't get rid of them the first time?
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    The Sulphur Burn is for mites. I've never done it as I haven't had mites. Just read about it & was going to buy the stuff as a just in case / be ready for it type thing. But a spray sounds better to me.
    I think the spray is localized where you can spray the clones/plants and the Burner is to get the whole grow area....cover anything with a sensor (like CO2 sensor) when you burn, I've heard that it can mess it up. "Bonide Micronized Sulfur" mixes the best so buy that one and it's cheap
    In one of my prior posts you mentioned that Sativa's can be a little squirrelly later in flower. I am now 5 weeks in; is there something I should know or change?

    I have three plants in flower now, all Sativa dominant strains so your help would be awesome! I'm thinking of holding the two most mature plants for another 3 weeks and the third for 5 weeks at least. The pics shows the cola development, now filling in nicely. It looks so good I'd hate to screw it up!
    Hey bro can you respond to the living soil thread I had some questions , I think I got the living soil concept down I just want to make sure I have it right before I go buy all the stuff
    Hi BoBrown, Bro, was it the Searles Organic Potting Mix, the folks were talking about and NoTill folk liked? or was it the compost bagged stuff, Thanks Smokey
    Hello bobrown, I hope all is well. A request for you if you don't mind.
    I grow in a 4x4, 7gal fab pots WW and am a first time grower. Recently I had some pH issues, all related to being a noob and not keeping records. Pennywise has been a big help in figuring out what was wrong and I think the girl will be OK looking at the new growth. I'd love it if you could pop on by sometime and catch up on the excitement. The last few pages I guess. I talked about testing my NPK and the PK came back as adequate and the N came back as def. I did the test twice abd got the same results. I just started a foliar spray of dolomite lime for the Ca def and introduced a mild tea of blood and bone meal for the N. Any input in my journal from you would go a long way.
    Thanks for listening Bob.
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