• Hi Emilya, referring to your post regarding how to properly water a potted plant, you mentioned to water it a 1/4 at a time. Is that a quarter of a litre at a time or the the size of the pot. To help I'm using 11L plastic pots. Thank you. I enjoy reading your content learnt so much in 30 mins.
    What is your rating? Betting above 1800.
    Once beaten by a monkey. It was a really smart one.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    North Koreans don't have ham radio licenses.... maybe some day. I have no other means of contact, sorry. And yes, a grad degree in Econ was the natural next step after gaining a Masters in Business Administration, Marketing and Computer Science... only took a few more years in school! :rofl:
    Hi Emilya - don't know if you'll ever see this but there are a few other chess players here too who are half decent players. On a good day I think maybe I'll be one someday, but I play many games a week mostly on Chess.--- (not sure I'm allowed to say it). I don't suppose you ever get into playing with members from here? I'm currently rated around 1300.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi Jon... it is quite remarkable what 10-20 years does to one's ability to keep up with the chess world. Having not studied the latest attacks against this or that and refutations to what I last studied, I wouldn't have a chance against today's studied experts. Sadly, my love of career and the other pleasures of life have taken prominence over my love of the game for the last 20 years or so. I'm sure as many middle agers have said before, maybe again when I am older... there is still time.
    Hello. Im trying to start indoor grow, thinking about organics and i've been told that you the best :D
    So my 2 main worries are: Light and soil.
    Thinking to use 320watt LED on a 4x4' tent, will this be enough for 2 photoperiod plants on 5galon pots?
    And about soil, i have access to very few soil/amendments brands in the country i live. I've seen videos of growers using some specific brands but i can't get them where i live.
    How should i mix up a - water only - soil ?
    I have been reading a lot on this site and I saw a posting from SweetSue who puts bananas in her flower room because ripening bananas let off ethylene gas, which encourages fruiting. She has indicated that she does this from Mid bloom on. Now, of course I am willing to try anything within reason. BUT... has the Queen herself experimented with this? I am not keen on introducing something that may lure pests to the grow.

    What does the Queen of Ganja have to say on this topic?
    I'm a Newbie
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    Bud Love
    Bud Love
    Hi Emilya
    Hope alls well.
    As I’m from the uk, I feel a little worried posting. Do you recon it’s safe for me to do so, without any authorities being alerted?
    Regarding your answer to my previously asked question.
    How much cal mag should I put in? And should I stop or adjust my feeding.
    woke up this morning and the girls are looking much worse.
    After reading some of your informative writings. I’ve realised that pretty much everything I’ve been doing is wrong. I shall do better on the next try.
    However, in the meantime, is there anything that I can do to slow or stop the prob I’ve got with the leaves..which now appear to be curling up and getting crispy
    Many Thanks
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi Bud... yes, you are safe here. No authorities would ever be allowed to see user accounts or your personal data... not that you should be putting your actual personal data on a site like this, but it would be safe if you did. Just don't do obvious things, like posting pictures with your face or fingerprints on display, giving your exact location... common sense stuff that everyone online should do.
    Without pictures of your problem, I am of course only guessing, but it sounds like you need to get your watering cycle normalized, pH of your incoming fluids adjusted correctly and your nutrient levels figured out. If you are seeing a magnesium or calcium deficiency, by all means give calmag at the recommended amount, either heavy or a maintenance dosage, depending on the severity of the problem.
    Nothing will be fixed immediately in the plant world, everything takes time, and I usually recommend 3 watering cycles before really getting an idea if a problem has been fixed. Keep on it and be patient. Some damage is permanent, and will never go away... so all you can do is move forward from there.
    Bud Love
    Bud Love
    A Very belated thank you
    Somehow I Missed this reply. Massive Doh!
    Where are your postings like
    The Proper Way To Water A Potted Plant
    Everyone says read up on Emilya but no links. Been looking through your postings all week for relevant info on MC and GLN.
    Emilya, Last night I gave them their first drink of FF Grow Big and this morning the discoloration looks noticeably better!!!!

    Thank you for the tip. Should I follow FF nute schedule of feeding twice a week or should I feed at every watering? I saw so many different perspectives on here from various folks, but I figured, I would check with the Queen of Ganja!

    Thank you. Mad respect!:adore::love:
    Hey Emilya, I heard from this guy that in the last week of flower before harvesting to use ice cold water with ferts to "Trick" the plant that winter is coming and put more effort to save the buds. No flushing just cold water. Have you ever heard of this, and have you tested the theory? Thanks!
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    Non of which have any real evidence to positive effects in reality.But proper feeding and water and good lighting will improve a crop that we know for sure.
    I have heard every thing from pull your plants before harvest to stress them or nails in stem to hang with roots to improve potency.Even though thc does not travel it is made in the gland head and stays there.
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi @Growdad420 , I start stressing my plants as much as I can from the beginning of week 6. By that time the lights are coming down in intensity and duration, just a little bit, just like out in nature during the autumn. The temperature is also coming down, and with some of the purples and blues, as dramatically as I can reasonably manage. Then of course is the drywall screw at the end. Bean, I have done multiple side by side tests of this, and these methods do made a difference, as does the 36 hours of darkness before the chop. So yes, icewater is also a known stressor, but you should note that this pretty much executes your plant... it is done after that, the shock kills its will to live. Winter is here and it is time to die. I see this outside too with that first freezing rain... out go the lights... growing season is done. Because it is such a final act, I would save it for that very last thing to do, such as when I drive in the screw... the trichomes have turned and I am ready to harvest. The ice water would work, but I prefer to keep the plants alive until THEY are ready to leave this mortal coil, or I am ready to chop... and usually the latter comes first.
    Hey Em! I read some post about DIY Cal-mag. I made some, I only let it set for 10 days. It's been in a bottle for 3 weeks. Do you think it will hurt my plants? I've been scared to use it. And how long did the shelf life end up being?
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    I have not found it to go bad in the time I have stored it, over a couple of years. If you only let it set for 10 days it did not ferment. You do not have DIY calmag there, you have egg shells and vinegar and some molasses. I would be afraid to use it too.
    K ty this time I'm using your steps.
    Hi Em!,
    I've been very successful with a MC/Vulx/HP ProMix grow that is now 50% thru the flower phase. I owe this success to your Pineapple Chunk thread. Believe it or not, considering this is my first grow, I'm having no problems and things are coming along great. Thank you for the excellent tutelage. :)
    I am still combating some environmental issues. Funny, as I thought this would be the easiest part <insert eye roll here>. The humidity and heat in my grow room have been a bit of challenge this summer, but it is staying on the rails. I'm just setting off my temp alarms to the point I've had to back off my light output, via dimmer switch. This is really a nice option on the NexGen Mega.
    1) I would appreciate your opinion on defoliating, whilst this far along in flower. Can I be aggressive without impacting yield, or should I be hands off this far along? Somewhere, in between?
    2) The light output at the top of the plant is currently set @ 35-40K lumens. Light penetration is fantastic as I'm getting buds throughout the length of a 5' tall specimen. (Yea, that one got away from me a little bit.) I was wondering if the defoliation would increase the light penetration, assisting in yield, and chip in on helping to lower the humidity as well.

    So am I better off sitting tight, or is a haircut in order? :)

    Thanks for letting me borrow your brain for the moment!
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    I don't recommend a flush right before harvest because that would be pointless... I recommend it going into the final stage of bud development, the final bud swell, as you are going into the last 2 weeks of the grow. Pouring 3x the container size of fresh water through the soil clears that soil of all salts and leftover nutrient debris and allows for full water uptake from then on by the roots. This is the period when the plant can use the most nutes ever as it throws its all into the completion of the buds, so this final flush and full on feeding right to the end builds stellar buds and allows the plant to fully express its genetics in that completion. The screw, temperature going downward, lights diminishing in strength and duration... all help signal the plant to get on with things and finish out.
    Rad Man
    Rad Man
    So, 2 weeks prior to harvest, flush with water, 3x container volume.... got it.
    1) Am I correct to assume this water should be at the pH my feeds were occurring? (My feeds have been @ 5.8, my tap water is 7.3)
    2) Also, since I'm using HP Pro mix and MC, should this flushing take place on a day in lieu of a scheduled feed? How long should I allow the containers soil to dry out, prior to resuming feeding as normal? I'm in 7 gal pots, with a daily consumption rate currently averaging 850 mL a day. I'm on a 5 day cycle now.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    sorry I missed this... its crazy in here sometimes. the pH of the flush does not matter since there are no nutes in there that need to be put in the correct pH range to activate... just tap water is fine... the plants really don't mind. With MC, every watering day is feeding day, so yes, a flush would take the place of a regular feeding. The containers will dry out in exactly the same amount of time as they would during a normal watering... flushing 3x doesnt put 3x the water into the soil, it can only hold so much.
    Hey Emilya,
    Got some burnt/brown tips on my last plant .....Have been giving her 4g MC/1 gallon......bit of splotching on one of the leaves as well....not sure how to attach a picture....

    Many thanks..ab:rollit:
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    you can't put pictures here... sounds like you are giving too much MC... to to see a picture though
    Antonio Bandido
    Antonio Bandido
    Let me post it on the grow forum...will tag you in ;p
    Antonio Bandido
    Antonio Bandido
    not sure if I tagged correctly;s

    Hi Emilya,
    Have been looking for a link for lighting times/cycles for my new grow....Any suggestions?
    I did 24 of lighting for the whole of the 1st grow.
    Its going to be 2 Blueberry Auto Fem....I have new 25kg material grow bags so was thinking to use them.
    Going to go straight into pot from sprout in paper towel. Also when should I start to feed?
    Going to try and have a journal for this grow as my first attempt was all over the place;s
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    I don't know any lighting links for autos... most people go with 18/6 with great results. I don't recommend planting immediately into the final container, but if you water correctly that will not be an issue... I just dont think it produces as strong a plant as one that was forced to create a rootball. Feeding can be done at any time... there are no rules. Every nutrient line has instructions for seedlings and young plants. Pay no attention to the crowd of nay sayers who try to tell you that fast growing autos don't need as many nutes... read your plants and act accordingly. Looking forward to the journal!
    Antonio Bandido
    Antonio Bandido
    Ok cool,
    One of the auto flower's I did repot didn't flower in the end so may have been my fault for not feeding it until I met you;)
    Have had pretty good success since reading your watering blog and think I have that in the bag;p
    Since I'm only doing the 2 plants this time are my 25L (5.5gallon) fabric pots a good size?
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    yep, that is about optimal for an auto
    Hey Emilya,
    With my tent being 3" X 3" X 6" /Just wanted to ask you opinion on number of plants for my next grow......Thinking to SCROG (don't know if I'm ready for SOG yet) So for maximum yield should I do 2 plants? I have some 2 Blueberry Fem Auto seeds from Seedsman.....What do you think?BTW do you wash your buds when harvesting?
    Hey Emilia. I am new here and getting everything together for my first grow. Due to size constraints my grow tent is 36x24x60. I have decided to go with 3 ga. smart pots. After reading many of your posts I wondered if I had made the right decision. My plan is to grow maximum 4 plants using the LST technique. To maximize the yield due to the 3 ga pot size. I am hoping for at least 2 oz per plant. Is this a realistic approach based on your experience? Great posts btw you are teaching me a lot before I even get started. Appreciate you.
    U need to try and keep temps below 80* w/ all lights on if possible.
    If the floor is 86* , the canopy , near the lights will be warmer.
    Just speaking from my own experience.
    My plants seemed always stressed above 80* for any length of time.
    Also check your temps w/ lights out.
    It’s great for the plants if temps are 7* to 10* cooler during dark.
    Once the girls fill out and all lights are burning your present setup will get way to hot.
    Good luck and ask any question here.
    Lots of good info from lots of good people.
    That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'm gonna try a 6 in inline that has a max of 405 CFM and see if I can get the heat out. Lights out temps are 70-72. I Wong even begin the grow unless I can get this worked out. Any other suggestions are appreciated.
    U probably are going to need a small AC unit ?
    I can’t offer anything on lights but plenty of folks can help u w/ that .
    Hey Emilya,
    have been looking through ur journals for the screw in the plant at the end of grow but cant find (i did read it before though)...As I have a small tent (but rotating crop) can i still do this in the grow room without the lights off?
    Or should I just take the plant out and leave it by itself for 48 hours before chopping?
    hello Emilya,

    Are you cool?
    Yestarday i verified that my baby´s starting to yellow on the point of their leafs and we are councern about that, so we hope you can help us to figure whats going on ;)
    they are on thier 49 day(first day of week 7) at flowering stage and their last feed was tuesday following the recomended schudle from biobizz at 6 week stage. We are give to them biogrow, bioheaven, biobloom and top max. we have to calmag , activera and alg a mic and we haven't given yet, should we?
    Tomorrow morning we going to give them water and we want to know whats the best to do? just pure water? or water with less nutes?
    Could this be caused by overfeeding? that was the first time i give that amount of nutes...last week or so there as been a wave heat in our town so in daytime the grow temperature is about 30 degrees celcius and at night its about 24 degrees celcius, could this be caused by heat stress?
    On last think could be the lights but on that we follow your recomendations to measure the lux intensity so thinking we cool on that.

    We apprechiate your help,
    Best regards ;)
    thanks Emilya for your pro advices ;) next time we feeding them will be just plain water and at the end of flush process will keep feeding them.
    can you please see this 2 pictures and tell us your opinion cause we think we are facing problems like heat stress...
    At day time the temperature is about 30 °C and at night its about 24 °C
    its normal the diferent stage of the pistols? on leafs i saw some amber or "burned" tricomes but its just their 51 day at flowering stage and we think its early for that...

    Best regards ;)
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    amber trichomes are not burned, they are ripe... it is when they go brown and then black that they are degrading. I see no signs of heat stress... just a normal and healthy plant in late bloom. I would put you still at a week out from the final two week bud finishing phase. Many of your pistils, especially at the top are still straight out and perfect... you are still in full bloom. Watch for a point when all of your pistils get a kink in them... when the very top pistils start to fold, you have just entered the last two weeks. That is the appropriate time for the 3x flush, although if you did it early it didn't hurt a thing. I would guess looking at this picture that you are approximately 3 weeks from the end.
    Thanks Emilya you are amazing ;)

    we can't tell you how many times you've saved us a headache on our first time growing =D
    thank you so much again for your patience and wise advices.

    we wish you the best,
    have a nice day ;)
    Hi Emilya,

    When watering, you talk about fully saturating the pot and allowing it to dry out fairly completely before next water. Does that strategy kill fungus and beneficial bacteria in the soil that needs moisture to survive in the long run? What I am asking is, if you are allowing the pot to dry out, do you try to supplement each water with microbes and fungus to put it back into the soil?
    Mr Just Puff
    It depends on what substrate you are using. With mostly coco you want to keep you saturation level at about 90%. In soil I would allow only the top 2 inches to dry out before my next water/feed. In coco i would only feed unless i was flushing.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    if microbes died out every time the medium dried out, we would all be in trouble. No, the microlife can hide out in little pockets of moisture that still exist in the organics, but then they can also go into a hibernation state and be totally revived and ready to go as soon as moisture is reintroduced. If it was this easy to kill bacteria there would be no need for chlorine in our water... we would simply dry out our pipes periodically. Then consider freeze dried microbes that are readily available today, or the myco that come packed into dry soil from the store... how do they survive in these places if a little bit, or even extreme dryness would kill them? Check your assumptions... at least one of them is wrong.
    Closet Urban Grower
    Closet Urban Grower
    Thanks for the insight. Makes (obvious?) sense.
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