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  • Hiya G, thanks for stopping by again. I'm going to start a new GROW journal any minute here and I'd like to tag you in. I'd like to get input on what strain of the four I have to start with and thoughts on system, SIP or DWC, training style, and nute selection as I have some options for feeding also. thanks for your interest. Let me know if there's anything I can ever do for you, information, prices, I dunno, ideas, anything important to you, happy to help.
    Sure, I am interested in watching you as well. I will input when I think I can contribute. I run my flood and drains simply. I just follow the nute manufacturer's suggestions on amounts for my 18gal res. given the plants stage of development and change them every week. No measuring the level of nutes between changes. I do check the ph and adjust daily as well as top off the res with tap water daily.
    I have no experience with Autos. I am using LEDs for the 1st time on my current grows.
    Philosophy- it usually is not that complicated and these plants want to grow.
    They need lots of light, they need air circulation, they need nutrients ( not enough preferable to too much), they need an accepable range of temperature.
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