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  • Thanks bro... I like ur screen name... Saving up for a bike myself, got the M requirement added to my license last week
    just posted a different pic to the pic profile of the bike....thanks for the kind words about my ride brotha...ride on!!!!
    I'm a LIAR!:popcorn: HA ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho Sucker...Yeah!
    Just f@$!ng around, is wtf.
    YouTube - Liar
    High! Thanks for the message, yes, all is well. I took a break from 420 for the spring and summer as I found myself getting extremely jealous looking at all the grows going on while I was shut down due to the oppressive summer heat here.
    I took the time to improve my grow room and update my lighting and research a bunch of things that gave me grief last grow for this seasons fall/winter grow season.
    I have a lot of grows to catch up on...you guys have been busy in my absence...well done!
    Thanks for the reps, Brother. Congrats on plant of the month. Didn't you win nug of the month as well? That's a good send off since you're shutting the commercial down. Later.
    Hey whats up Hogdady? Was looking thru your pictures and am totally impressed with the garage deal and the beautiful plants.
    I was unable to answer your private message for some reason. Im new to this site, so it's gunna take some gettin use to. Nice to meet you. Ride safe bro. Dennis
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