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  • Hey Tricome - I remember you from when I first joined - I think we joined within a few days of each other a couple of years ago... Just saw your post in Spikes journal, and thought I'd say hi. Hope you are well!
    had to get up at 7am to pull the sheets off the girl outside and wake her up for some florida sunshine. i always get up around then on weekends tho im so used to it from work i guess, even tho if givin the chance i would sleep in then but cant stay asleep after 7 on wknds
    wake up tric! time to get outa bed... 7:35am florida bake time. its gettin good and warm out there already. maybe ill see u out and about have an easy sunday!
    Hi. thank's fo responding. mabey you can help me out? I am not sure what what to feed them? I only have a five gallon bucket, Any knowledge on how to get really HIGH thc and bigger yeilds?I am starting from a seed and using a real good plug to start the germination process...
    Hello. I am still trying to get it together putting my hydro system together . I thin I am going to go with the Deep Water Culture system. Anyway how have you been? I love your handle!!! Take care
    Thanks man, I really like this site, we've got a lot of great people around.

    By the way, congratulations on your Member of the Month nomination
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