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  • Hi, thanks for the reply!! I have about 30 of these plants, there are no pistels showing only what lools like seeds!! Is it natural for them to look like that?? And they're 8 weeks into flowering!
    Good to meet you.
    Those plants have female flowers on them, those little orange hairs are indeed pistles, if there's a male plant in the area it could of polinated them and started seeds in your females, I can't really tell from the photo.
    30 plants!, cool, if they look like this one (female), then that's a good lot of smokeable bud,with or without seeds.
    You gotta try and get those catapillars off, because I can guarantee if they're eating then they're also pooping.
    Colby Rohrig
    Colby Rohrig
    Yeh what he said
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