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  • Hey @gazmufc thanks for the follow!
    I would say welcome to 420 mag, but I see there, you’ve been a member since 2013! You are a vet good sir!!
    Hey man, tha ks for dropping by. yeah I've attempted to grow a few times in the past without the proper set up.. The bud came out OK, not huge dense nugs, bit more airy.. But thanks to what I learned form here, at least it was well clean and harvested at the right time.. So iz pretty happy with the high and teste. Been saving for the right aetb up to start again.. Hopefully after lockdown when I get back to work and earn a it more I can then buy all the extraction fans and be changing the air in the tent regularly.. That was my problem before.. Air in and out.. Its a real buzz though at the end when its all dryed and cured and your just looking at your own bud in the jar.. And it's all mine lol
    Want that feeling back soon :)
    Just so frustrating now in lockdown, prices here for 7g will cost u 130euros!! That's increase of 30e and the quality is poor. Il be sure to come back and set up a grow journal and get all the opinions of the pros here. Awesome growing community here, I do be awe struck looking at how detailed some of the folks are here. U got anything going on at the moment?
    It’s incredible feeling caring for a living plant from seed to flower. The feeling of accomplishment is unimaginable unless it’s actually done and experienced. I absolutely agree with you there! It’s an amazing feeling holding you’re first harvested bud!!

    yes sir, having proper ventilation is key. You need the proper air extraction, to the proper cubic feet per minute. With a healthy entrance point with fresh, cool air. Once a person figures out a good system of it with the tent provided, you’re golden!

    I built my tent, out of 3/4 inch pvc pipe, and furniture grade 3 way elbows. I first wrapped it with space blankets. It worked awesome! But it was really fragile material and could easily rip. So I upgraded my material, to panda film. That stuff is amazing!

    first my tent was 32” wide, 2 feet deep, and 4 foot tall.

    I rebuilt it a couple times, but last time I rebuilt it, I made my tent 4’ 2” wide, 2’ deep, and 6’ 2” tall.

    it’s an awesome lil tent! I’ve had like 7 harvests in it now... works great! Working in my 8th...

    in my first journal I have my tent showcased. My signature doesn’t show up in this section, but I will post a link to my latest journal. I’ve got a red dragon, blue power, strawberry banana grape, Blu cheez mango X Blu water, and three clones from my last harvest in my tent right now. Would love to have you over there.
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