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  • I have a dumass question... Cuz I'm a dumass, is there an app for 420MAGAZINE ?
    • Love
    Reactions: Papa OG
    It does look really awesome. and having just this smaht phone it probably wood make life easier. but being a dum-ass with a smart phone when I try and do anything complicated I usually screw something up and have to get one of the kids to try and fix it.
    install it as a pwa (progressive web app). it's just a button in your browser.
    it creates a wrapper around the website so it acts like a native app would.
    woops. see Joe already said that further up. 🙃
    Welp, I've had some seeds soaking an no sprouts yet. The brain is having difficulty recalling the process. Or maybe it's just these old seeds...if at first. On the other hand I got a ride to the dispensary an got a really tasty 1/2 for only 48 bucks ! it was like going back in time. an it was flower nice bud not shake or pre-ground
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    Congratulations on your score on affordable bud! We need more places to embrace that!

    I noticed a bit of an issue lately also. Had a big temp drop here in Midwest. My seeds were having trouble popping, I use the paper towel method. Always have had great luck. But I didn't take in consideration the cooler home temps. Had me going bat sh't crazy trying to figure out where I went wrong. Until I stopped and thought about it. Seeds like warmer temps. So I clipped my bag above my led light in the tent. Bada boom pop pop pop pop.
    Welp, back from the edge. It's been a tuff ... however many months it's been. The new anti seizure meds have just sucked the life out me. But I have to start growing again for sanity sake. I just put 4 seeds in a cup of water, fingers crossed, they were labeled crismix 2017. Best wishes to all in 2024
    that's horrible. did you get a diagnosis ? :(
    Hey Blut. Well kinda the docs call it limbic elipsy along with limbic encephalitis. Which I just found out that when they put the word "limbic " in front of a elipsy it just a fancy way of saying we have no clue as to why you have elipsy. And about all they do is... try this med if it works fine, if it makes ya mental try this one, oh it makes ya sleep 24 hrs a day... well let's try... you get the if I couldn't laff about it I'd prolly walk up the street an jump off the fore River Bridge
    Got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, trying to get adjusted to my new meds. This has been 4 seizure in 2 weeks, I've lost big chunks of time... what the F have I've been doing for the past 6 weeks
    Had another seizure this morning, feel like crap. May have to the hospital for another kinda medication or something
    • Wow
    Reactions: Bill284
    So sorry my friend. :Namaste:
    Hope they get you sorted out soon.
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