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  • Good to see you around! :thumb: I hope you've been well.
    Can't find your grow journal, didn't you say you were starting one up recently? 🤙
    Aloha, Cronic. Hope you and your ohana are well. Please tag me if you do start a journal. You were one of the first people I met when I started growing again in 2015, attached is a link to that grow. Just skimmed it, brought back memories. I miss the Islands. After this grow I moved to Haiku. It was wet! Take care.

    I was just reading last night about OMM passing and the care you provided. Words cannot express how much respect and love I have for your care and generosity you gave to one of the hall of famer's of 420 magazine. You have always been one of most positive and helpful members here, and I truly appreciate how tough it must have been to see a fellow member and islander struggling at the end. You are a true Hero in the eyes of many. Thank you for everything you do here sir. :Namaste:
    Great OMM share, has to be OldManMed. Congrats on well a deserved MoM crown, Chron, from one fellow caregiver to another. trichster :high-five:
    Hehehe! They don't allow collectives Airblasted! But we can dream! ;)

    CHH, Yea, thats what I was talking about! Growing for your pop-pop! Good on you. And thank you for helping OMM! He is good people. One of the finest I've ever known. He thinks well of you too, and I couldn't agree more.

    And he smokes way, way to many ciggs... I want to over grow just to give him choke joints... And be like "No ciggs! Smoke more weed!"

    Glad to have finally met you, brother. Can't wait to hear what your dad thinks of the Volcano!
    Aloha to you too T,
    I do it mainly for my dad im not saying i was never a smoker but i was never a rower till i was doing it for him
    its good people that need it can grow and have thier own supply to use so they can grow what meds they learn works for them instead of buying stuff at random hoping it works for them
    and im glad to know theres a few guys in the island on this site too keeps me coming back and the aloha you guys spread is wonderful.
    Omm is a nice guy smoke way to much cigs tho lol
    but hes a top notch guy, and from what i hear about you im gonna say the same about you
    always helping out Omm especially since he could use the help lol
    eh maybe one day ill see you at his hale
    and we can meet in person, i missed you the time i dropped off the clones you left a bit before i got there
    and you got some awesome grows going ill always be looking in on yours and omm's thread
    have a good one maybe ill meet you some day at his place until then aloha bra
    Aloha Chronic the Hemp Hog! :high-five:

    Just wanted to say I really respect what you do brohan. Good on you.
    OMM and I agree, its awesome having another grower in the islands on this site!
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