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  • Daylight savings is a real pain in the arse. between the stress of dealing my meds and figuring out the timer for the plants. ahhh " if I only had a brain "
    I don't even bother changing my timers. I have them set so the lights come on at night and I just make sure the timers are set to allow me access to the plants at a reasonable hours. That shifts an hour when the clocks change but no big deal. The plants don't even know there was such a ridiculous concept.

    Plus, it's easier on the plants that way. They don't care what the time is anyway, just as long as they get their minimum hours of light and shifting their schedule by an hour for no reason never made sense to me. Kind of like need our minimal hours of sleep. Doesn't really matter what the official time is, for that function at least.
    Ok i survived the infusion. Had a really nice nurse that made the event bearable. The side effects were not so bad at first just a bit of nausea and anxiety. I figured once I got home I could smoke some nice indica I got (thanks son) it helped with nausea rite off, but the anxiety only goes away if I smoke an sleep. Hope the cannabis can catch up with this anxiety. Thanks for all the love, you guys rock?
    Pat Puffer
    Pat Puffer
    I preferred edibles for anxiety as they last longer and overall have a more sedative effect than just smoking.
    Thanks Pat. I'll try and get some, I don't have a lot of experience with edibles can ya get them just made with indica
    Pat Puffer
    Pat Puffer
    Hell yeah, brother! All types. Pure Sativa, pure Indica, 1:1, and pure CBD. Take it easy at first and see how you respond to them. Enjoy the ride. 💚
    Nothing to smoke but a few nasty roaches and some "sugar leaves". haff to call my son for some money. Sux being poor and a burden on your children
    I miss getting the munchies. I'm really high an have all kinds of junk food, but no munchies
    Back from the edge, my pharmacy fudged up my prescription for one of my anti-seizure meds. I had to spend 4hrs talking with DR's and pharmacy manager. Welp, long story short I did get my meds... Or else I'd be in the hospital now. but the the ordeal left me with really high anxiety that I couldn't shake. luckily my upstairs neighbor gave me a really nice bud of some indica, that got me back on track. Insurance co's are evil
    The other day it was 25 degrees out, today it's supposed to hit 60. Tuesday we're supposed to get a blizzard. I'm 66 years old an I remember when winter was winter. But I've been told climate change is all in my imagination. that's a relief
    Welp, it hasn't gotten above 32 degrees here for 5 days and overnight temps with wind-chill has been in the single digits... dang I used to work outside in weather like this and an never felt it, now I'm inside with heat up to 75 an I'm freezing. Sux getting old, but I guess it beats the alternative
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    Worked outside my whole life also. In Michigan. Retired early moved to Florida, 85 with a breeze was cold. Then I'm like oh I'm ready to get some peace and quite. Let's move to the Ozarks. While it's beautiful, I've never seen temp swings like this before.
    Worn-out, had to shovel an throw down sum salt. It was only 3"of snow yet I feel like I was shoveling 3 feet of the shite.
    Seeds sprouted ! it's a good time of year for this grow. everyday is getting a little longer the dark days are behind us.
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