1530 Micropore Tape Warning: Big Pores!

In the lengthy process of preparations I took a look at a length of 3M's #1530 Micropore Tape, backlit, through a 5x Loupe magnifier. I was dismayed to see many pinholes much larger than cannabis trichomes, so I fired up the Celestron USB Microscope for a closer look.
Trichs are on the order of 10 to 20 times larger than the pore size needed for fungi inoculation and incubation (0.22-0.3um) so if you use a single layer of this stuff, you might as well not bother at all. On the other hand, though, if you triple or quadruple the layers of tape so the random big holes in each layer are blocked, you reduce the average pore size and get a functional filter.
If I ever get around to inoculating rice bags I'll use 3 or 4 layers of tape for the FAE port, and a dab of RTV Silicon at the bottom of the bag to make a true self-healing injection port.
On another note, have you tasted Uncle Ben's Toxic Rice? In my opinion, it is horrible and tastes like cardboard or something. Not good even after adulterating with soy sauce or sweet-n-sour sauce. I wouldn't feed it to my dog if I had one, lol! Maybe it would work well for growing Shitake or Maitake since it tastes like wood.

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