1st Grow Of Sativas


Here i re poted sativa.

Is this good enough size til harvest??

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Yes it looks like it will be just big enough if the plant starts flower soon. If it is going to be a while before it starts flower then you'll maybe have to transplant again. It's hard for me to tell from the picture how big the pot actually is in terms of gallons, or width/height.
Good day masters!

I have one question.

Is it important to have color purple or pink color lights when its flowering period?

Or is it okay for me to keep room color white lights?

My lights are 1040 lumens each and i have 2 of them set up.

No problem at all for growing upto today.

And I saw most of pictures have color purple lights

I am just wondering!

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Those are some lovely sativas man. The local sativa here's a freakshow in lengths on a 12/12 from seed grow. I wish you all the luck. One last thing, a rule of thumb in achieving a target height for plants follows: Indicas finish twice as long from when they were switched to flowering and Sativas grow three or four times (in some scenarios, it goes for Indicas as well, where the plant grows way bigger in flowering) its final height from 12/12.
Good day masters!

I have one question.

Is it important to have color purple or pink color lights when its flowering period?

Or is it okay for me to keep room color white lights?

My lights are 1040 lumens each and i have 2 of them set up.

No problem at all for growing upto today.

And I saw most of pictures have color purple lights

I am just wondering!

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I assume you are talking about the LED panels. They are blue and red. depending on your grow needs and time/money you want to spend, there are many light options out there. personally I do not use them. Only because I can not buy one and electricity cost is way more.
It is a good light to use and we have a Mars-Hydro LED light sponsor here too. SmokeSara is the representatives name if you are interested in buying. In the sponsor section, you can see other companies as well, I do not think less of their products, they are equally good.
Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE (R) - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Oh i see. I have LED lights from COSTCO and they work pretty good. So if electricity cost is higher with blue/red lights i will keep with what I have for now thank you for answer!

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I just got home and saw these yellows at my new grow spot.

Is this because i watered them too much since i re pot them? Or Is it because of the temperature??

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I will see tonite if there are some more yellows..! I think it was because of heat stress + lack of lights

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I got a new place for my pots

Going to add more reflective pads around upper parts by tomorrow.

And I am thinking to buy LED(red-blue) lights set maybe two bulbs around 10-12ws and 600lumens.

Is that going to cause alot of electiricty compare to my 10w LED 1350 lumen lights??

Anyways I feel so good that i grew them upto this point without and big problems with them.

M so glad haha

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She is a beauty and loving her spot.
if you look at the W of each bulb, in your case, 20 W of LED is running now.. ( I see 2 LED in pic)
you want to add roughly 20 W more =40W
I don't think that is A LOT more money in any country, it is like adding a normal 40 w bulb into a room. But, when she is ready for flower, she is going to need more light to be able to give.
Think about it like this.
The set up you have + the new you want= longer time to produce = more days of electricity.
Some more LEDS with more lumens/watts and yes red and blue too= less growing time = better buds
In the long run, I feel it is too little light as is to get her to harvest and produce:Namaste:
How will you recognize if sativa plant is good enough to make flower? Is it really depend on my decision? Just for give them time changes?? ghostfacee - 420 Magazine(16244095) on Vimeo

Pot at the left side is still growing i want to give her more time. But for pot at the right side is already
48 days of vegitation.

I was wondering when i can give a shot for flowering..?

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You can start flowering anytime now.
It works something like this, for a photo plant like yours (non-autoflowering). The young cannabis plant needs to grow for about 4-6 weeks before it is mature enough to flower. Often, but not always, it will show that maturity by showing its sex, male or female. At that point it is capable of growing buds. Generally it will not start to flower though till it thinks it is the fall season, indicated by a reduction in daylight hours and longer dark nights.

In a truly tropical location like yours is (right?) there is no real seasonal change and as I understand it the plant will flower 'whenever' - but usually when it is a few months old.

Or so I read- I will have to move to the tropics and grow some, to find out for sure. ;)

Anyway... Your plants should be old enough to flower now. If you switch to a 12/12 day/night schedule they should start flowering. If they're already on a 12/12 schedule, and still not flowering, then a 11/13 schedule should work.

During flowering, the dark period needs to be completely dark, with no light leaks or interruptions or blinking indicator lights in with the plant.

The other issue is space. Those sativas get tall. I think your pots are big enough barely, but if they get very tall they will need to be watered often.
The plants height absolutely can be controlled though - by bending and tying down branches and chopping some off if necessary. When growing indoors it's more difficult to handle a tall plant because of room height and lighting limitations.

I don't know if I gave you this link already but there is a lot of helpful info in it. How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know!
Thank you weaselcracker and angrybird ! You guys so master haha my grow journal is so amauture and nothing like other peoples. But because of you guys i guess i can make it Thank you

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