1st Post First Attempt At Growing: Indoor LED Setup In Tent: Comments Welcome!

Herb Dean

Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

Decided today to finally jump in and journal my first grow attempt.

I got myself a Gorilla Grow tent with 2 Mars Hydro 400 LED lights and silenced extraction fan into charcoal filter (external as couldn’t fit the fan in the tent ).

Currently growing in coco coir mixes with perlite with 2 pots. One 15 litre and one 21 litre.

Currently in the smaller pot I’ve got an autoflower feminised Blueberry Bliss and in the larger pot I have a photoperiod Acapulco Gold.

I’ve been mainlining the photoperiod and I’m planning on just doing some LST with the BBB.

Have been getting conflicting info the entire time ive been researching online so any suggestions or advice from the OGs here would be massively appreciated!

Also, they’re a little way through the grow now so will probably just post current and future photos ‍♂️

Anyway, much love 420 fam!

They look real nice. Looks like you got a nice fat indica Acapulco Gold and a hybrid Blueberry Bliss going on there. Wish you the best take care
They look real nice. Looks like you got a nice fat indica Acapulco Gold and a hybrid Blueberry Bliss going on there. Wish you the best take care

Thanks very much, appreciate it!

The lowest fan leaves of the Blueberry Bliss are looking a bit sad at the moment due to what I believe to be overwatering. Drooping, soggy looking leaves with yellowing on the tips.

I’m getting a slight yellowing on my fan leaves for the Acapulco at the moment too which from looking into it seems to be a magnesium deficiency... ‍♂️

My method for getting the correct ph in my water has been super dodgy to be honest lol. A mate of mine advised me to use a water filter jug to get filtered water at a ph of 6. I used a ph test kit and it seemed accurate but as I learn more I’m thinking the adding of calmag and grow nutrients might be throwing my ph off and stopping uptake of magnesium.. so I ordered a ph pen today for more accurate analysis.

It’s stressful anytime my girls don’t look happy so if anyone has advice regarding anything they see please feel free. I would love to learn from you all.
Good start and welcome to 420

Always check your pH after you add your nutes you kinda scared me sounds like you checked it before that could cause problems if you start with 6 water most nutes will lower your pH

What is your plan finish the auto then flip the photo gonna be fun

Thanks for the input I really appreciate it.
I know I’ll probably have a bunch of you shaking your heads at how I’ve been doing things up to this point but I am working on improvements as I can get my hands on them!

The ph issue is top of my list currently. My ability to measure what my ph is at the moment is very rudimentary. It’s only by adding drops and checking the colour on the ph chart... no digital reading so very innacurate and difficult. Hopefully my ph pen arrives early next week so I can start fixing this issue ASAP!

Watering the coco mix has been another uncertainty I’m struggling with. I’ve seen some growers say you need to water it twice a day and never let it dry and others have said to wait until the pot gets light and only then water?

I’ve typically been watering in the morning until I get runoff pooling up below the pot, sponging it up and then watering again at night with a lesser amount. The runoff is always a light brown colour.

I just took a couple of pictures of the issues I mentioned above. I’ll post them so you can get a better idea of what I’m dealing with.

Thanks again and much love!

The Blueberry is the one that was making me concerned about over watering. She was originally germinated directly into medium with a jiffy pot and I transplanted the jiffy pot directly into the new coco mix.

My concern with her was that the jiffy pot might not be letting the water drain efficiently and that could potentially be the cause of overwatering?

The Acapulco is less serious but I would prefer to have no signs of deficiency at all!
I’m hoping once I can be more accurate with my ph levels post nute mix this girl should be back on track and much happier.

Thanks again guys much love and appreciation always!
Quick update this morning,

Defoliated the Acapulco fan leaves to direct all of the energy to the new growth sites.

Gave both plants a nice big drink and they seem to have loved it!

The blueberry bliss isn’t showing my any other signs of stress other than the 2 lowest fan leaves so I’m hoping she’s recovered from her earlier issues and is back on track. Fingers crossed!

Much love guys have a sweet day!
Hey legends,

Don’t know if anyone’s interested but I’m enjoying keeping a log regardless.

Both plants seem to have bounced back from a little adversity earlier in the week. The Acapulco gold has been going beautifully since defoliating the big supporting fan leaves. She’s really kicking into gear and looking great.

Changed my watering schedule to once daily with 15% runoff instead of twice a day with no runoff at times. I feel like that could have been part of the issue I was coming up against due to the salts in the coco not flushing through correctly.
Fingers crossed anyway!

The Blueberry Bliss Auto has just been kicking ass too. Stoked. She’s got a nice thick stem going and her aux bud points have been growing out willingly with no training but I’ve started my first dive into LST today to get the most from her regardless.

Have had a drop in humidity which I’m not prepared for so hopefully it climbs back up for me. It’s currently at about 35% and it’s been at roughly 70 previously.

Anyway as always, if anyone has any advice I would love to discuss and get any tips or info that will help the journey.

Cheers crew happy Sunday!

Hey buddy they're looking sweet. Still not tried mainlining yet but it's on my list so I'll follow and long and see how it grows.
Glad you sorted your watering habits out too. What you're doing now is correct. Don't worry about over watering them iether, that's just a soil growers problem and your assumption that watering like that was causing build ups was also correct.
Looks like you're all back on track now though so just keep doing what you're doing. Keep the feed on the lighter side and not much can go wrong.
Hey buddy they're looking sweet. Still not tried mainlining yet but it's on my list so I'll follow and long and see how it grows.
Glad you sorted your watering habits out too. What you're doing now is correct. Don't worry about over watering them iether, that's just a soil growers problem and your assumption that watering like that was causing build ups was also correct.
Looks like you're all back on track now though so just keep doing what you're doing. Keep the feed on the lighter side and not much can go wrong.

Thanks Barney! Awesome to have you following along and thanks for the support!

Just flipped my bloom switches on both lights tonight after reading multiple others on here doing the same. Hopefully it gives the girls a good boost!

Dying for the Acapulco to show sex as it’s just a standard photoperiod seed and not feminised. Fingers crossed lol
Very cool start! I'm in @Herb Dean . I use that gardening wire it bend's nice and seems gentle but a pita to get it down into my soil and once they were big enough the plants started digging it back up! I made some coat hanger wire hooks that I tied them to eventually, that solved it. Cheers, luck to your grow! :yahoo:
Thanks Barney! Awesome to have you following along and thanks for the support!

Just flipped my bloom switches on both lights tonight after reading multiple others on here doing the same. Hopefully it gives the girls a good boost!

Dying for the Acapulco to show sex as it’s just a standard photoperiod seed and not feminised. Fingers crossed lol
Ooh that's a gamble mate lol. Literally 50/50 chance. Fingers crossed for ya!

The Blueberry is the one that was making me concerned about over watering. She was originally germinated directly into medium with a jiffy pot and I transplanted the jiffy pot directly into the new coco mix.

Thanks again guys much love and appreciation always!
Following along but came in late. Looks like the leaf tips on your BBauto were touching the medium and got burnt. All looking fine now though. Lots of luck with your grow.
Good morning guys,

Little update on the girls.
Both seem happy and loving life. The blueberry bliss auto bounced back from the LST and turned towards the light within 2 hours of tying her down.

As Joe mentioned above, she’s quite low and some of her leaves are indeed touching the ground. Not sure how to handle this issue but it concerns me when I’m trying to water her.
I took the LST cables off and have left her for today to soak up some rays and hopefully creep up towards the light.

The Acapulco is going really great. I’m stoked with her. I say her but still no pistils to speak of. Will definitely suck if she turns out to be a he but at the end of the day it’s been a great learning process so that will be my silver lining haha.

Ok guys much love! Have a sweet day!

Ok so first day with the bloom switch flipped on both lights and the girls have obviously been loving it!

Some really great growth. So happy with them.

The Blueberry Auto is trying hard to throw up new tops. The Acapulco aux buds barely ever grew at all until I topped and trained it so I’m kind of blown away by how eager BBB seems at the moment.

With that being said, if anyone can give me any tips on how you think I could train the Blueberry id appreciate it.
I didn’t feel great about dragging her into the mud yesterday but if that’s what you gotta do then I’ll do it.

Check the growth of Acapulco after defoliating her 2 days ago. So good!

Hoping to keep this momentum going!

Minor update/cry for help:

Have spotted a tiny flea like bug flying around the tent. Checked my plants over thoroughly and can’t see anything. I have 2 dogs so always a possibility I guess but I’m assuming it’s more likely a nasty looking to munch on my plants..

Any ideas on how I might track the little sucker down to make sure it doesn’t turn into an issue?

I was thinking of getting a few of those yellow strips to see if anything shows up on there but if there’s anything more I should be doing please sing out and let me know.

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