420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: May 2024

Congratulations are in order for @InTheShed winning Photo of the Month! :cheer:

Also congrats to @Carmen Ray for 2nd place & @Ke0ncp for 3rd place!

InTheShed - "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears"

Carmen Ray - "Double Wild Durban"

Ke0ncp - "Watermelon Trichs"

@InTheShed and his - "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears" photo walks away with May's victory and these great prizes from our sponsors!
We look forward to seeing your grows and reviews in the days to come brother!

@Carmen Ray's "Double Wild Durban" photo takes home a 420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

@Ke0ncp's "Watermelon Trichs" scores a 420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Thank you all for helping make our contests so exciting and fun!
Congrates Shed & Carmen & Ke0ncp great pics
Congrats to all the winners! :Rasta:
Congrats Shed! :) Well done Ke0ncp
Thanks Carmen, and you're always tough competition here!
Congratulations 🍾 on your first of many phOTM wins Shedster. CL🍀
LOL thanks Captain, but don't hold your breath for the next one!
Congratulations Shed! Another one for the pile!
Thanks Jon! Last one I needed for the set. :)
Cool photo @InTheShed and awesome first PhOTM win ....*boops nose* proud of you
LOL thank you HapHaz!
Great photos all round, well done folks
Thanks Roy!
Congrats She'd, Carmen, and Ke0ncp!
Thank you Mel, and you need to type my name more often to fix your autocorrect. ;)
Congratulations @InTheShed excellent selection for PhotM
Thanks Tok!
Congratulations @InTheShed
Thank you OGP!
Congrates Shed
Thanks con!
Hey now! Cool stuff!! Did not expect that at all! Congrats Shed and Carmen!!
Thanks for having these contests!!
IKR? Great pic Ke0ncp!
Congrats to all the winners!
On behalf of all the winners, thank you GDB!
congrats everyone!
Everyone says "thanks" 024!
Congratulsations for a very beautiful win all three of you! @InTheShed , @Carmen Ray and @Ke0ncp
Thank you Otter! Great company to be in. :high-five:
Thanks Carmen, and you're always tough competition here!

LOL thanks Captain, but don't hold your breath for the next one!

Thanks Jon! Last one I needed for the set. :)

LOL thank you HapHaz!

Thanks Roy!

Thank you Mel, and you need to type my name more often to fix your autocorrect. ;)

Thanks Tok!

Thank you OGP!

Thanks con!

IKR? Great pic Ke0ncp!

On behalf of all the winners, thank you GDB!

Everyone says "thanks" 024!

Thank you Otter! Great company to be in. :high-five:
Well you know what they say about the first one is the hardest one right? CL🍀
Congratulations on your photo of the month win @InTheShed!:high-five: Excellent shot!:thumb: Congrats. to both @Carmen Ray and @Ke0ncp as well.:hug: Great job all!
Congratulations are in order for @InTheShed winning Photo of the Month! :cheer:

Also congrats to @Carmen Ray for 2nd place & @Ke0ncp for 3rd place!

InTheShed - "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears"

Carmen Ray - "Double Wild Durban"

Ke0ncp - "Watermelon Trichs"

@InTheShed and his - "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears" photo walks away with May's victory and these great prizes from our sponsors!
We look forward to seeing your grows and reviews in the days to come brother!

@Carmen Ray's "Double Wild Durban" photo takes home a 420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

@Ke0ncp's "Watermelon Trichs" scores a 420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Thank you all for helping make our contests so exciting and fun!
Congrats everyone. Great work :welldone:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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