Accidentally left the lights on during dark cycle!


New Member
So my roomate went in to work in the garden just before the dark cycle last night and left the door open and room lights on in the room, stoner!
So the plants are in flower, one side is 3 weeks out and the other 7 weeks from harvest. they got 9 hours of light before I caught onto the mistake, I closed the door and turned off the lights, now they get 3 of dark before the lights come back on... Will they hermie?
You shouldn't have caused any problems. Alot of weird things happen in nature & the plant usually grows on. I've read that light poisining is a factor to some strains forcing hermies or other unwanted sex type things to occur, so don't mess up too much. If I'm growing clones, alot of time I don't seal my bloom room from my veg, and I've not had any problems with light leakage.
No worries CG, keep us updated.
So, I fell asleep with my UV light on (along with reg LED light) all night then went to work, came home and saw Only the UV light on during dark cycle (LED went off like suppose to). is there a possibility I could've screwed up my plant by leaving on all this time? It is in the final stages of flowering...
So, I fell asleep with my UV light on (along with reg LED light) all night then went to work, came home and saw Only the UV light on during dark cycle (LED went off like suppose to). is there a possibility I could've screwed up my plant by leaving on all this time? It is in the final stages of flowering...

a single event should be fine. just make sure you have your day/night cycle sorted going forward.
I'm currently growing my first photos--I have three in airpots that are flowering quite nicely. Believe me, I'm just elated to be having such good results being a noob to photos! I also have a 710 Mango photo fem in the ground outdoors--she's 17" tall @ 41 days old and has been out there for 8 or 9 days. She has actually doubled in size since I dug her in.

The three in airpots, two are Growers Choice Red Banana Berry photo fems and one is a Perfect Tree Red Red Wine. The RRW and one of the RBB's are 45" tall @ 90 days (!), the 2nd RBB is 42" @ 98 days (!!). The reason these three are so old is that I originally intended to grow them outside in the ground but I sowed them waaaay too early and they got too old and too big before our temps--especially @ night--were safely warm enough...I'm in NE Minn. A little over two weeks ago I flipped them to 12/12 and they're all flowering very nicely, the shorter RBB showing red color while the RRW smells really sweet, much like the Wrigley's chewing gum in the yellow wrapping.

Now to get back on topic...these three photos (plus one of three auto fems that refused to bloom for me) spend their 12 hours of darkness in a small bathroom completely sealed off from any light, while during their 12 hours of light they're either in full sun outdoors on my back steps facing SSW if it's nice enough or indoors under my two 3,000W LED grow lights. Their have been several occasions when "accidents" happened--like left in the light more than 12 hours and such and these three girls seem to be just fine.

Because I'm having such great success growing these first photos I'm definitely going to grow more...I'm very impressed w/ how the many bud spots stack up along the branches. I can see how they could easily take topping and training and I'd like to try quad lining. I have a 5-pack of Butterbean Birdseed SR-71 Purple Kush fast flower photo fems coming next week, can't wait to get 'em!

Happy growing, JV 44
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