Bill C-45: Canada's Legalization, The Drama Revs Up

this was in a paper this morning lol my friend sent it to me, thought you'd all get a chuckle

Well, contrary to the thoughts of some, we're still here, seems we've survived legalization so far, although it's only been a week :)

And contrary to popular expectations, we didn’t have a bunch of car accidents or people flooding the streets smoking weed everywhere
You charge $150 for the baggie. The oz inside is a gift. ;)

Each province has different rules for growing your 4 plants so should look that up.

Here. From the horse's mouth.

Cannabis in the provinces and territories -

Just got my daily dose upped from 8 - 12g/day so gonna be able to work on my breeding projects big time. 59 plants will give me some room to maneuver. :)

Still leery about filing to grow and be on a gov't hit list. Those damn Cons get back in and no telling what could happen.

Just got my renewal last Friday so will think about it for a few days. Get the forms filled out and flip a coin maybe.

I take fresh to mean not dried and cured hence the additional weight

A live plant is super fresh. I like the seed equivalently being in there. Guess I can be in possession of seeds.

No idea how they might try to enforce the legal source aspects
I take fresh to mean not dried and cured hence the additional weight

A live plant is super fresh. I like the seed equivalently being in there. Guess I can be in possession of seeds.

No idea how they might try to enforce the legal source aspects

Genetic typing... very expensive!
It seems that we can still use our favorite seeds. There was nothing in the ACMPR stating that we had to buy our starting materials from an LP. There is still nothing in the Enabling Regulations about this. It may fall under the Cannabis Act, but I think that would be overturned the first time it's brought before the courts. There is a distinct lack of high CBD, low THC plants or seed available from the LPs.
oops. messed that post up good lol.

medical access has gotten difficult in sask as product has been diverted to the recreational market. cbc report.
not really a surprise. there's been talk surrounding a shortage and shrinking medical access here for over a year.

manitoba and sask are well behind alberta as far as sane cannabis policy is concerned.
medical access has gotten difficult in sask as product has been diverted to the recreational market. cbc report.
not really a surprise. there's been talk surrounding a shortage and shrinking medical access here for over a year.

It's the same across our country. We knew it was going to happen. After my last harvest I have enough on hand for the next year, and have started another grow. It's not only diversion to the recreational market that limits my access. It's also the focus LPs have on mid to high THC products. Try getting high CBD flower. Three months ago only one LP offered any, and that was basically ground to powder. Sure, you could get oil, but the price put it way out of reach.
Global News is reporting that the cannabis shortages are country wide, and could last for years. Governments are saying the problem will resolve itself much sooner - in a matter of months. Cannabis retail outlets across Canada have closed on a fairly regular basis due to a lack of product to sell. You may be able to buy cannabis at legal retail outlets, but chances are you'll have to settle for strains you wouldn't normally buy.
Just got a notice from the landlord (large apartment complex) saying that smoking and growing are immediately banned, unless there are "human rights code issues" where cultivation of Cannabis is deemed necessary to accommodate the needs of a tenant or occupant.

Are we covered under this "human rights code"? If you're a lawyer, great, but I'd like to hear what everyone thinks....

It goes on to say that IF you fall under this, then you must discuss it with the landlord to ensure the safety of other tenants blah blah....

THIS is what legal cannabis is doing for us?
Well I'm not sure but it could fall under this little piece of tidbit the Ont Gov has on their website:

*Additional restrictions on smoking and vaping may exist in municipal bylaws, lease agreements, and the policies of employers and property owners

So really I have no idea but this could be set by the sounds of it from landlords etc.

Having said that, they also post this:

You cannot smoke or vape cannabis in:

  • indoor common areas in condos, apartment buildings and university/college residences

So, the way I read it, as long as you smoke inside your apartment it's OK

As for growing, it's wide open to speculation:

"You are able to grow up to four plants per residence (not per person). "

And that's all that is said about that.
Sorry, I should of stated that I am licensed to grow my own medical cannabis. So this isn't about 4 recreational plants, it's my medicine, that keeps me off the opioids... (pain management)
if youre licensed id say that your landlord cant deny you the right to grow in your living space. Especially considering youve done it for x amount of time already with no issues. Its not a black/white situation unfortunately, would definitely depend who you ask that has some sort of authority over the matter.
True, and I do have a friend who also has their medical card, for 36 plants if I recall, and he rents a house. Now his landlord is unaware, but my buddy says he can't kick him out for it. However, he can kick him out for other reasons, so he has no intention of letting the landlord know if you know what I mean.
Of course the info I just mentioned is all hearsay to me since I am only going by what my buddy says re landlords cannot evict you with a medicinal license.
A question that occurred to me tonight when I was cutting clones for the aerocloner. I’m wondering if any of you guys know. Though I’m guessing the answer falls into some area of Neverneverland.
Is an unrooted, unplanted cutting considered a plant? I usually cut a bunch of extras and plant the best one that roots.

I’m guessing not- or every time you did some thinning you’d be multiplying your plant count.
What if it’s rooted but not in a pot... Hmmmm... :hmmmm:

I do wish there was a clear set of rules for medical somewhere... It seems to me that there is a lot open to interpretation.

I have a script for 5g and the wife 3g, so we can have up to 40 indoor plants. Since I actually only have at most, 15 in flower and 9 in veg at any time, that leaves me 15 more, and I keep my total under 40 including cuttings in the Aqua Cloner, rooted or not... I've not heard of any cases of a medical grower being charged for being over by a few clones...
landlords can deny even medical growers of their right to grow. they cite it as a safety and health issue. the consumption is the same as tobacco. if they don't allow tobacco smoking they definitely wont allow cannabis smoke.

there is a guy in saskatoon facing eviction over an 8 plant medical grow. there are already going to be some court challenges arising out of issues effecting renters and condo owners in sask.

the irony is of course all these guys were left alone under the old laws where they just kept their head down and went about their business quietly.
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