Bring on 2010: Oregon's Pot-Legalization Team Has a Plan


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The Associated Press just came out with a happy holiday story: More states are trying to legalize marijuana than ever before.

But the article fails to mention Oregon, where pro-cannabis forces have high hopes for legalizing weed here in 2010.

They've pinned those hopes on the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, which they plan to place on the ballot next November. Their backup plan is the less far-reaching Oregon Cannabis Tolerance Act.

By submitting 1,000 sponsorship signatures in September to the Oregon Secretary of State's Office, organizers registered the petitions for both plans and are now waiting for the official ballot titles.

Once the ballot titles are in hand – perhaps by the first of the year – organizers can begin polling to get a sense for which of the two measures is more likely to pass.

Once the poll results have been crunched, proponents can begin gathering the 100,000 valid signatures needed by July 2 to qualify for the November ballot.

The organizers have already hired local firm Democracy Resources to run a professional signature-gathering campaign, says Madeline Martinez, head of Oregon NORML

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Source: Willamette Week
Copyright: 2009 Willamette Week Newspaper
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