Cannabelle's Hemp Sprout Kitchen


New Member

A branch of my French female hemp in full flower with seed pods.
Hugs and aloha, everyone:circle-of-love:

Before I can even begin to put Hemp Recipes up, I should show you all how to make a space age micro grow pot which also happens to work superbly as a sprouter for hemp and other seeds like mung, alfalfa, clover, et al.
I grow all kinds of stuff like bonsai trees, spices that look like bonsai trees, Japanese maples, figs, hemp and cannabis. I also love to grow my own sprouts.
The micro grow pot/sprouter was inspired by my need to design a micro grow pot for my horticulture experiments that encouraged healthy root growth, air pruning of roots and stability. Ever knocked over a solo cup of seedlings? Just call me the clumsy wahine (that's Hawaiian for lady)!

Okay, you can also call me the crazy cannabis lady. I tend to be wildly decorative!


Let's get started!

Lots of opaque red, blue, green or whatever color 16 ounce plastic solo cups. If you grow cannabis, you can never have enough solo cups. I'm using a generic brand. Since we are encouraging root growth, do not use clear cups. Roots require protection from direct light.

Sheet of plastic canvas 7 count for hemp and mung seeds; sheet of plastic canvas 14 count for tiny alfalfa and clover seeds. Plastic canvas is found in craft stores and is used for decorative cross stitch projects. I use these for bonsai pot hole covers and micro grow pot/sprouters. The 7 and 14 count just means the amount of holes per an inch.

2 large jar lids for each sprouter. Large mayonnaise and coconut oil jar lids work. If you failed to recycle any large lids, a couple of small plates will do.

Card stock for tracing.




X-Acto Knife

1) Trace the bottom of a solo cup to a piece of card stock with a sharpie. Cut inside the outline on the card stock with a scissor. You are aiming for a circle that is slightly smaller than the outline. Make sure that paper circle fits inside the bottom of a solo cup. Now use that paper circle to trace additional circles on the sheet of plastic canvas for as many micro grow pots/sprouters you are making. Again, cut inside the outlines on the plastic canvas with a scissor so that they are the same size as the paper circle. These canvas meshes should all be able to fit snugly at the bottom of solo cups.

2) Use an X-Acto knife to cut the bottoms of the solo cups out, leaving a small perimeter of about 1/4 inch as shown in the above photo. Congratulations! You've created the container of the micro grow pot/sprouter! Make as many as you need.

3) Now it's time to make the skirt to give the micro-grow pot stability and aeration. If you are making many of these pots for growing stuff and sprouting, you may want to cut a guide skirt to make it easier to cut more pots without having to measure each additional cup.



After cutting skirt bases for the micro grow pot/sprouters, four 1 inch triangles at equidistant from each other around the edge of the cup's lid.


These vents provide more airflow to the micro grow pot/sprouter. More air flow equals healthier, oxygenated roots.


If you are using this state of the art pot to grow stuff over a rack like I do, the triangle vents are not neccessary. However, the vents are neccessary if you are growing stuff on a flat surface or growing sprouts.


Congratulations! You created the first of many micro grow pot/sprouters.

If your pots are not as pretty as mine, I've had more practice. Even though my hands are stiff with rheumatoid arthritis, I still wield a mean X-Acto knife! Your skill gets better with practice no matter how clumsy or ouchies your hands are.

Next post . . . How to use this awesome, state of the art, micro grow pot to make yummy sprouts!

Germinating Cannabis Sativa Hemp Day 2

In two days, most radicles of germinating hemp sprouts are 2+ inches long.

Germinating Cannabis Sativa Hemp Day 5

In five days, the hemp sprouts are ready for harvest.


Let's figure out how to use Cannabelle's Micro Grow Pot for making yummy sprouts!

Gather all the materials
Organic, food grade, industrial hemp seeds.

1 set of micro grow pots from the first post (the pot, skirt, and even the leftover mini cup from the skirt!)

2 large, clean jar lids or 2 small plates.

1 micro scale.

Measure hemp seed using the mini cup and scale. 1 ounce of seed makes enough sprouts for storage in quart bag. Use no more than 2 ounces of seeds or fear the wrath of sprouts reaching critical mass in 5 days!


Pour measured seed into micro grow cup and rinse the measured seeds through running water.


Place the micro grow pot into an empty solo cup and fill half way with fresh tap water.


Now place one jar lid or small plate on the top of the micro grow pot and the other at the bottom and let steep 12-24 hours.


Remove micro grow pot from solo cup and rinse seeds again.

Use the water in the solo cup immediately for germinating stubborn old cannabis seeds or for soaking clone cuttings. This liquid is loaded with the correct balance of cytokinins, auxins and enzymes to ignite rooting. Don't waste it!

Fit micro grow pot into one of the slotted solo skirts and use one lid for the bottom of the pot and one lid for the top.

Store in the shade. Rinse the seeds twice daily.


After five days of TLC, the sprouts may be trying to escape the sprouter!


Next posts we conquer the kitchen, hearts and taste buds with yummy hemp sprout recipes and why raw hemp sprouts are the future of raw nutrition!

I'm too exhausted this evening to write an essay on hemp sprout nutrition, so I'll just put up a bridge recipe to entrap your junk food techie friends and family with meme worthy, tasty nutrition. My own tribe of junk food dudes crave this entree any time of the day or night.

Since I do not live in Hawaii any more and don't have access to fresh tofu, I use bacon in lieu of the teriyaki tofu my Chinese grandmother would make this with. The haole side of my family is so afraid of tofu protein, but at least I can bribe them them with bacon. I'll revisit this recipe in the future for a more vegan touch using sweetened tofu in lieu of bacon.


Bacon & Hemp Fu Young


Gather Ingredients
3 eggs

Handful of hemp sprouts

2 tablespoons of chopped green bunching onions (filched some from my cannabis grow)

2 tablespoons or more of crumbled bacon bits

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon black pepper


While the wok or fry pan is heating up at medium high heat with vegetable oil (about 2 tablespoons), scramble the eggs with soy sauce and pepper.


Pour the egg mixture into heated wok/pan and line green onions, sprouts and bacon up on top of the frying omelet like in the photo. Now doesn't that make a beautiful flag!


Now flip the sides of your omelet flag like so.


Takes only a few minutes to cook. Do not over cook as you want the sprouts and green onions to be semi raw and crunchy. Sprinkle a few more bacon bits on top of this American-Asian fusian omelete. Reel in your horde. Don't tell them it's healthy. All they need to know is BACON.


Congratulations! You have now succeeded into tricking your tribe into eating most awesomely!
most awesome work!!
really clever! thank you for sharing
looking forward to seeing more of your work
take care and good fortune
@ indica vet, yuyo, DrZiggy and likers,

Hugs and much aloha. :hug:

Your kind words and support helps keep me going when I am exhausted and frustrated from auto-immune stuff. I still need to organize a sprout nutrition essay that isn't overly technical and boring.

Today I need to start more hemp sprouts again to fix with the green bunching onions that will be harvested with my high CBD sea of jeans micro grow in a few days:

Yummm, fresh green onions and sprouts with udon, my favorite comfort food when I was a small girl living in Lahaina, Maui.

Currently organizing smoothie recipes than I photographed last month.
Hemp Sprout Basics

Jeremy Brigg of writes:
Hemp contains 25% - 31 % protein, second only to soy (35%), but the protein in hemp foods is more easily digestible, because hemp contains globular proteins, albumin 33% and 65% edistin (a Greek word meaning edible), which have structures very similar to proteins made by the blood, which makes them readily digestible. A handful of hemp seed provides the minimum daily requirement of protein for adults. No other food source provides complete protein in such an easily digestible form, not even soy.


When to Harvest

If you want a nuttier tasting sprout full of amino energy, harvest around day 2 before the cotyledons have shed their seed shells. You can grind shell and all for wicked energy smoothies.


For medicinal and nutritional purposes, I harvest hemp sprouts at day 5 just as the first pair of leaves emerge past the cotyledons. This is when the sprouts still contain cotyledon energy and protein and are just beginning to produce chlorophyll, and more importantly CBD and terpenes. You can let the sprouts turn a little more green by lifting the top of the sprouter after rinsing on the fifth day and letting the sprouts absorb light for a few hours. Adding a little more green adds a little more CBD and myrcene. However, the darker the green, the more bitter the sprouts will taste. You also don't want to exhaust the cotyledon of protein and aminos by allowing the sprouts to leaf out too much.
Hemp sprout infused smoothies are a great way to add some protein, nutrition, anti-oxidants, and energy to your diet. I use leafed out hemp sprouts in my smoothies to add a little more CBD and myrcene to get me going. You can use 2 day sprouts if you don't require CBD. A hemp sprout smoothie gives me a great energy boost without the caffeine. Well, sometimes I do add caffeine when I am particularly sluggish when I make chocolate and mocha versions of the hemp sprout smoothie.

Hemp Sprout Smoothie Shop

Purple Bliss


Gather Ingredients
Handful hemp of sprouts

Your favorite milk (1-1.5 cups. As the hemp industry picks up, hemp milk will become affordable!)

A carafe of ice (roughly 2-3 cups of ice)

Frozen banana

1 tablespoon honey (optional)

Handful of frozen blueberries

Sturdy blender that can crush ice without burning out the motor!


Long wooden spoon

2 generous sized smoothies

Let's Get This Party Started!


Add a handful of hemp sprouts, 1 cup of milk and a few ice cups to blender.


Place cap on blender and pulse to pulverize the sprouts.


Next add 1 frozen banana and 1-2 cups of ice. Place cap on blender and pulse till ice and bananas are mostly pulverized.


Next add a handful of frozen blueberries. If you want a sweeter smoothie, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Use a long wooden spoon to stir down the blueberries before pulsing again to pulverize the blueberries.


Check the consistency of the smoothie with a wooden spoon. If you want a deeper purple, now is the time to add a few more frozen blueberries. If you want a more liquid smoothie to drink with a straw, add a little more milk. Replace blender cap and pulse one more time to make the smoothie extra smooth. I love my smoothies extra stiff and extra smooth.



To make Strawberry Bliss, simply substitute a handful of frozen blueberries with a handful of frozen strawberries. Other fresh frozen fruits like sliced peaches, sliced ripe mangoes and raspberries maybe substituted to make your favorite flavor and color smoothie.

Ripe mangoes will boost the myrcene content and be a perfect pre-medication ritual to boost and prolong the medicated effects of medical cannabis.



I did something different yesterday. I wanted to add a little more kick to my sprouts for sandwiches and salads. On day 6, I exposed the sprouts for a couple of hours to a 100w output CFL placed about 6 inches away and let the sprouts get a little greener. The extra day and exposure to light gave the sprouts just the right amount of mustard tang for sandwiches, salads and sushi! Will be making some sushi in the next few days if I don't eat this batch up. I keep sneaking clumps of sprouts to munch on. So tasty. I'll just make more sprouts!

Before the 2 hour light bath . . .


After the 2 hour CFL spa . . .

I immediately made me a comfort sandwich. This is my favorite sandwich from age 13. A friend of mine took me to his favorite healthfood cafe in Kailua, Hawaii and got me an alfalfa sprout stuffed tuna and egg sandwich. Flash forward, instead of alfalfa sprouts, I use fresh out of the grow cup hemp sprouts grown to salad perfection.


Gather Ingredients


Avengers Assemble!
Mix tuna & hard boiled eggs separately.
Season both tuna and egg spreads to taste.
Spread tuna on 1 slice of bread and egg on the other slice.
Pile salad greens and sprouts on the egg side and cover with the tuna side.



:love: Enjoy :love:

For a quick vegan sandwich, assemble a healthier version of the Elvis sandwich! Spread peanut or almond butter on each bread slice and sandwich in sliced bananas and hemp sprouts in between. Toasting is optional. I don't have a picture of the Elvis hemp sandwich yet because my bananas are still ripening.

Hemp sprouts also work well in pocket pita salad sandwiches and tacos!

Try some hemp sprouts on your favorite sandwich!:love:
The Elvis Hemp Sandwich

The Elvis Hemp Sandwich is so super simple and yummy that I really have no excuse not eat healthier. As someone who requires lots of protein, potassium and easy to digest nutrition, this sandwich has it all!

Elvis Presley's mom used to fix banana stuffed, toasted peanut butter sandwiches for him when he was a little boy. This is a healthier version of the Elvis with hemp sprouts. The hemp sprouts add a fresh crunch to this southern classic sandwich. Toasting is optional. I prefer mine not toasted.

Gather Ingredients

1 ripe banana
2 slices of honey wheat bread
handful of hemp sprouts
peanut or almond butter


Bon Appetit!

Subbed and looking forward to more of your creative energy with hemp sprouts!

I have my hemp seeds on order and can't wait to get started on getting some yummies in my tummie. :)

Excellent tutorial on the cups, I'll be giving that a go also. I have all of the necessary materials here, so no cost out. Gotta love that!


I'm glad you got you hands on some hemp seeds. There are hemp seeds in bulk online, but it's best from a local source that has had it's plants tested. Ordering overseas, especially from China, has a chance of getting seized by agriculture or customs even though you are a legal grower. If you do get seeds from an untested source, it's best to grow out the seeds for more seeds, because hemp is often used as a soil purifier to reclaim lands poisoned by industrial and mining waste. There's also a chance of untested seed source having poor germination rates due to storage and handling issues.

There are so many different strains of hemp worldwide, that it boggles the mind.

I was lucky to get my hands on a high CBD French hemp strain. My source ran out of this strain already. I know 420 admin already reached out to this supplier to become a sponsor, but I don't think he ever got back to admin. This was last year. Now that I have recipes up and hemp is gaining in popularity, perhaps it's time to pester local viable hemp seed producers and health food stores into sponsoring 420 and selling viable hemp seeds retail.

I also need to kick local, congressional and executive butt about removing hemp from Schedule 1. It never did belong there, ever. While hemp and marijuana are both cannabis and can cross pollinate each other, female cannabis only transfers cannabinoid ratios. Since hemp essentially is low in THC and high in CBD, hemp ratios tend to range 1:10 to 1:30. Male pollen from high THC cannabis is not going to effect the cannabinoid levels of hemp or it's offspring. In the United States, ditchweed that has 2%-7% THC was more likely a cross of hemp pollen hitting female marijuana 100+ years ago when hemp was still legal to grow. However, male pollen from smaller seed marijuana strains will effect the size of hemp seed used for food and oil. The exciting part of breeding hemp and high CBD landrace cannabis is male hemp pollen can boost the potency of CBD in offspring with marijuana strains. I'm conducting experiments online on 420 Magazine to help understand hemp and marijuana genetics in my hemp photo journal.

Opps, I am getting over excited about my hemp research in my cooking thread. Sorry.:rolleyes3

But back to my sprouter pots. Those are great for growing small plants in soil and soiless mixtures. As a pot, the skirt stabilizes the solo cups while the overall aeration design brings more oxygen to roots while root pruning the bottom. So if you get the bug to experiment in different varieties of hemp, marijuana and crosses, these cheap pots are amazing.

Warmest regards
Kentucky Bluegrass Sushi Roll

This yummy fusian recipe honors the state of Kentucky for being at the forefront of the industrial hemp movement in the United States. The recipe uses both hemp sprouts and raw, crushed hemp hearts. This sushi is a whole meal in itself with raw vegetable protein, starch, veggies, and easy to digest nutrition. Egg and tuna can be omitted for vegans and still contain vegetable protein from hemp.

Also grow out your hemp sprouts to show some green like in the sprouts used in my sandwiches. Greenish hemp sprouts have somewhat of a light wasabi tang without the heat. If you can't find wasabi paste to eat with your sushi, Sriracha sauce lends itself to the hemp wasabi taste. Hmm. This gives me an idea. I may even try making hemp wasabi paste at a later date!

I am posting the recipe in two parts.


Part 1

Assemble and prepare sweet rice vinegar veggies one day in advance

Sliced fresh cucumber slivers
Sliced fresh baby carrot slivers
3/4 cup Asian rice vinegar (Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Taiwan brands all work)
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons honey​


Shake-up rice vinegar, water and honey in a spare bottle vigorously for about a minute or 2.
I'm using a recycled Starbucks Frappucino bottle.​

Place sliced veggies in a small bowl. Pour rice vinegar, water and honey mixture over cucumber and baby carrot slivers. Cover bowl and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.​

If your up for a little laugh Cannabelle, I was watching a recent episode of Food Fighters I believe. The lady on there reminded me of you, well what is portrayed anyway. I believe her parents even had an Asian/Hawaiian background, it was pretty uncanny. :)
Kentucky Bluegrass Sushi Roll

Part 2
Where you use your spliff skills to roll a sushi joint!
Assemble sushi roll ingredients and accoutrements
Nori sheets, roughly 8 inches (toasted, raw organic or kosher)
2-3 cups of hot, steamed calrose sticky rice*
Bowl of pickled, sweetened rice vinegar veggies from Part 1
Clump of hemp sprouts
Sliced fried egg patty from 2 eggs (optional for vegans)
1 can chunk light tuna (optional for vegans)
Raw, shelled, crushed hemp hearts

(*Important: The rice must be calrose, medium grain pearl, or at least labeled sushi rice. This type of Asian rice is glutinous and sticky when steamed. Arkansas rice, Uncle Ben's or Minute Rice just isn't sticky enough to make sushi. I am also assuming you can make steamed rice. If you can't, you can pick-up steamed sticky rice at any Asian restaurant. I still steam my own sticky rice using the method my grandmother taught me with finger joints to measure ingredients.)

Wax paper
Wooden spatula or plastic rice paddle
Dinner spoon
Serrated knife like a Ginzu or a common steak knife
Running water

4 fat sushi blunts​

Pour about half of the sweet rice vinegar from the pickled veggies into the hot, steamed rice. Mix.

Place about a 12-16 inch length of wax paper in front of you, curled side down.
Place a sheet of sushi nori on wax paper. If this is your first roll, you may use 2 sheets.
Spread a thin layer of sushi rice over the sushi (about 1/2-to-2/3 cups).
Leave an inch of rice free margin on top and bottom of nori sheet as shown.

Line hemp sprouts, pickled veggies, fried eggs and tuna as shown.
If you prefer a vegan sushi, you may omit the eggs and tuna.
If you require more protein, sprinkle crushed hemp hearts over the veggies before rolling.

:rollit: Get ready to roll it! :rollit:
Fold a third of the sheet forward (like folding a letter) and roll it!
It doesn't matter if the roll is a little lose as you'll be compacting the roll with wax paper next.

Now carefully roll the wax paper around the sushi joint, tightening the paper as you go.

Twist the ends of your wrapped sushi joint. Refrigerate about 30 minutes to set rice.
Congratulations! You've just rolled a biggie! :high-five:

You can just pack your sushi joint in your lunch bag as is and eat it like it was a burrito.
You can also cut the sushi into bite size pieces as shown.
The trick to slicing sushi rolls cleanly is to run the serrated knife blade under running water with every slice.

Sprinkle with crushed hemp hearts to add more protein and a nutty taste.
Sesame seeds may be substituted if you don't have hemp hearts.

:yummy: Enjoy! :yummy:
If your up for a little laugh Cannabelle, I was watching a recent episode of Food Fighters I believe. The lady on there reminded me of you, well what is portrayed anyway. I believe her parents even had an Asian/Hawaiian background, it was pretty uncanny. :)

OMG! What episode? I want to see her! Does she have a high pitched Asian/Hawaiian voice like me?
Very cool Cannabelle! I'm interested to see what all you make, as these are all unique recipes that look delicious!
Thank you jojo677:love:

When I can get seeds in larger bulk, I may even make hemp tofu for vegan burgers. Hemp is more digestible than soy and more nutritious. I love soy products because I am part Asian, but the chemo and auto-immune meds have taken it's toll on my G.I. tract.

I need to make a farmer's market run for fresh veggies to make more stuff. Oooo! Tuesday is farmer's market at the local health center.
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