Cooking with Cannabis Oil

Hey Alien and Sisco I am taking a break from work (self employed) before frustration start to take over me. I wish I didn't have to correct those mistakes from some jack a _ _ company I pay too much to do the work. It’s OK I will go see Judge Judy (court with lawyer) to correct this problem. I want to spend my time on 420 and on my web for future business making happy meal not for kid. I will try to post some picture this week but need to be on the road. As you see the steak was welcome with 50 gram of oil in those hard times. My wife laughs when I told her to measure the oil after Sisco request.
Now I will go smoking just want to make sense in my writing if is possible LOL.
I have picture from the buds I harvest last month after with some grape too. I use the soil of my plant to add nutrient in my vine and orange tree.
Shit back to work need to vapor first to relax myself but after writting to you I am ok.

Take care est salut
You and Sisco will be more than welcome to stop at my place for dinner if it was possible. I have no body than you two and my little dog that enjoy the growing room she can look at it for 20 minutes non stop. My wife doesn't want me to give the dog the delicious bone from my steak with a kick LOL. Hope one day we can all walk for freedom of legalization of weed. Now road trip for the day will stop at Venice beach after work to the Hash bar for a smoke before rolling blade.

Life is hard you know. One toke at the time.:grinjoint::roorrip::bong::rollit::bongrip::ganjamon::tokin::hookah::Rasta::joint::passitleft::bigtoke::allgood:
I am dealing with them since the past 8 month and smoke 2 ounce of weed a month + food life is beautifull after that smoking and eating. It's my wife bussiness I try to put together for her with all the help she give me with my food + if I sleep with the boss I am OK LOL. After I will put my happy food bussiness together and on the road agian.
Need to work my boss doesn't yell at me and it make me work less sometime. Good boss
Will have and extra toke at the hash bar for you sisco and Alien. Take care
Oh how I miss rollerblading. I think scisco knows but PM I am crippled a doctor did it. So I am basically bed bound since I don't feel like anything is worth doing with all the challenges I face. I also don't like to pay the extra price of pain when doing anything. I have pain all the time but it gets worse.

If I ever decide to do a road trip to cali I will stop by.
Oh how I miss rollerblading. I think scisco knows but PM I am crippled a doctor did it. So I am basically bed bound since I don't feel like anything is worth doing with all the challenges I face. I also don't like to pay the extra price of pain when doing anything. I have pain all the time but it gets worse.

If I ever decide to do a road trip to cali I will stop by.
So sorry to hear that wish I can cook for you and release your pain with some 50 grams steak LOL. You should make a strong batch of oil to release your pain that is what I do. I have a car accident 20 year ago and working really hard to come back even some day I am piss with pain. I just plan my life around it and never stop finding better way to live my life. I am enjoying life in the last 4 years because there is nothing to do. Like you said I will not get some butcher Doc to screw me up. It is in my back in my cervical c5 c6 c7 are fuck top now + my colon just got screw up with stress and had operation but life is beautiful (Ya right ) but that what I said. Please wait to answer I will never live the house.
Dam I am late now blame it on Canada they say.
Will find some way to create food for you just tell me were is hurt and how is your pain and I will come up with something. I give away free food for some of the MJ medical peoples who doesn't smoke older lady 65 years old.
Playing the bong to my wife after dinner. I believe I am a music man.


Try to made the steak tender bad cut



On a hot day 120 degree tea time with frozen grape and liquor and ganja sirop and whip cream


My first harvest


My other Harvest
My clone and I call them mini me


I believe I can call this one meat sauce with pasta


That is were all my soil from my plant go for my grape and all my fruit tree


Ribs from scracth

And that my friend is the end
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