Crop King Seeds' September Cool Pix Contest - Win 10 Premium Seeds for Free


420 Sponsor
August contest was great with cool pix coming from Crop King customers who are growing our strains.

We just announced our first winner who won 10 Premium seeds.

Here's the link to August's contest: Win 10 Premium Seeds - Crop King Monthly Contest (August) - Cool Pix Contest

Congratulations to FirstCrop for winning the August's contest. Thank you to everyone who joined the contest.

I know that everyone is excited for September's contest. Here are our guidelines:

1. Any images of your plant with our logo or packaging. Not buds, seeds, or merchandise. Only your beautiful growing Crop King Seeds' marijuana plants.

2. Do not use editing software to put our logo in your plant's image. Print our logo and put it beside the plant. You should also include the name of the strain (again, print the name and put it beside the plant).

Here's a sample:


3. You cannot use the same image that you submitted last August contest.

Who are qualified to join?

1. Crop King Seeds' customers (online or from retail store).
2. Crop King sponsored growers (individual or clubs).

We will pick one winner at the end of the month. The winner will be announced in this thread.

NOTE: If you haven't bought Crop King Seeds yet and you want to join our contest, then it's not too late for you because this contest will run until December this year. Order Crop King Seeds now and use promo code 420mag-10to get a 10% discount.

What's the prize?

Two strains of your choice of 5 seeds each. Free shipping to wherever you are in the world.

Thanks for clarifying the guidelines -- I think that's totally fair :) BTW, I'm really enjoying growing your Early Miss for my first grow -- nothing much to show (seedlings) but I'm really excited about the process.

Your grow journal looks good. Thanks for sharing your journal to the community.
Wish I didn't nute burn my plant... would have had some great Revolver pics to sumbit.

September has come to an end and now is the time to announcement the winner for our September's Best Pix contest who will win 10 Premium Seeds for FREE.

You can either choose 2 strains of 5 seeds each or 10 seeds of 1 strain.

And here's our winner ..... DRUM ROLL.....


Congratulations GOLFER420 for winning our September's Contest.

To claim your prize, please contact us: or come to our live website chat in our website.

October's contest will be announced soon. Stay tuned!
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