DC's First Indoor Multi-Strain

Hey been lurking for a little bit and was advised to start a journal as I've kind of hit the oh shit what am I actually getting into moment so here it goes:

Space: 3x3 Tent
Light:One 300w Led, One 600w Led both no name
Medium: 5gal Promix Hp, wanted fox farm soil but the guy was out and I was high and let him convince me to grab 60lbs of this stuff... Lol
Nutes: Advanced Hydroponics Micro, Bloom, Grow some root stimulant granules from the local hydro shop dude and B52 vitamins.
Strain: 1 blueberry dream, 1 hash plant, 2 Torontonian Cookies, all local.

Experience: None! I threw a bunch of plants in the garden outside this summer as it became legal in Canada this year. I barley paid any attention until they got huge and then started to flower. Unfortunately they were in a shady corner and come late summer did not get enough sun and then WPM I battled hard an other issues so the buds were a little airy but I learned a ton and ended up with about 7 ounces of pretty decent weed! Trying to up my game for this one!

I put the blueberry dream in a glass of water Friday night until it sank then jiffy pellets yesterday. Still no sign of it. Hash plant went straight into the jiffy pellet to germinate and popped out within 24 hours. I put the pellet in a little pot with the Promix and watered. . The two TO Cookies from the local shop are germinating tonight. One in paper towel after a 6hr soak the other into a pellet after a 6hr soak.

So yeah I'm a bit all over the map but trying out lots of new things in order to find what I like the best. Still intimidated by the soil less mix but hopefully I pick it up quickly enough.

I got the setup off a dude on Kijiji to test run it before I sink any real money into something. The lights are no name Chinese and I can't find a distance recommendation anywhere. I have the 300w only going right now at 30 inches cautiously over the seedling and figure I'll lower it once it starts vegetative until I see any sign of stress and go from there. Speaking of which... Is it too early to give the seedling light?

Also super stressed about this watering for soil less.. I was planning on watering until I see water come out of the bottom of the pot. Sounds like I also need to feed every single watering every day once past seedling?


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Added a splash of water this morning to the sprouting hash plant, the cotyldons are unfolding, very exciting my first Grow from seed.

Still no sign of the blueberry bean! The heating pad under the humidity dome had the temp up to 29 so I turned it down a notch.


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The more help the better, I'm totally open to any and all suggestions and advice, I am a total newbski on this one.

Random question... I have a bag of Promix Seedling starter soil.. I'm toying with the idea of dropping the other jiffy pellets in this in the 1 gal pot instead of the soil less mix and then transferring to soil less for the 5 gallons finals. Wondering if this will make it a little easier for this delicate time between feeding and watering as it has some light nutes in it and will retain water better... As you can tell super anxious about this HP mix for first time ever starting from seed...
Ok so I read most of it.

I always leave my seeds in water for no less then 24 hours. Then drop in paper towel. Folded twice and in a sandwich baggy. I put it in the baggy because it creates a humidity dome and keeps the towel moist. After 24+ hours in the towel I drop in my peat pucks.

Seedlings love light, but they don’t need much. I use a 2’ T5 light for my seedlings, advantage of them is you can have the light dropped right down to them without harming them.

At 30” above seedlings be carful they don’t stretch, but be carful you don’t have it too close. That’s why I start my seedlings under my T5 they love T5’s

What do you mean soiless compound? Is promix Hp considered soiless? I don’t think it is, if your running in coco then that’s a diff story.

I’m going to tell you my watering BLT method.
Plants love a BLT (bacon lettuce tomato sandwich)

When you feed a plant a BLT but not feed the entire surface of soil, and not water till you see run off. Your plant is getting a lot of bacon, a lil lettuce and lil to no tomato. The soil looks dry, so you feed her with another BLT, giving her another large dose of bacon, a lil lettuce and lil to no tomato, As well as the left over scraps from the lettuce and tomato before. Giving them a mixed dose of BLT. With an improper feeding schedule, can lead to nutrient lockout or other deficiency problems.

Feeding properly now. You give the plant a nice BLT! Watering the entire surface of soil, let it all run down, filling up the surface of your soil again, and let it drain. Repeat until you see run off. Ensuring you that all of the roots are being fed the entire BLT given. Doing so also ensures your pulling oxygen down with the water, giving a great amount of oxygen to those roots as well, because oxygen is just as important to those roots as the nutrients are.

This helps with keeping the humidity higher. After you feed them, pick the pot up and feel the weight of the pot. This will give you a good determination on when to water again. The pots will be very light.

You need to create your self a good wet/dry cycle for your plants.
Awesome info thanks so much @Backlipslide !

I read that the seeds should go into puck or towel once they sank so that's why I did that but I'll wait for 24hrs next time thanks. I do have them in the jiffy humidity dome and it's kept the humidity up to around 75 to 80 RH.

I hear you on the light thing I'm going to monitor a few times a day for stretch and lower it as required. I figure I'd rather it stretch then light burn at this fragile state.

I'm from Ontario just outside Toronto. Love Alberta I did some work in the oil sands during the boom, visited Calgary and climbed a mountain in Jasper!

Just to summarize the BLT method to make sure I understand.. Water slowly to fill container give it a minute and then water again until runoff. Do I feed nutrients every watering? I had read to at. 25 strength to start and go up slowly.

My understanding is Promix HP is a peat based soil less much like Coco but with perlite, vermiculite ect, no nutritional value and to be treated like hydro or Coco.
Very cool! There is a lot of people from Ontario here. They will flock in, in no time.

Just to summarize the BLT method to make sure I understand.. Water slowly to fill container give it a minute and then water again until runoff. Do I feed nutrients every watering? I had read to at. 25 strength to start and go up slowly.

Yes exactly, the bigger the pot, the more water it will take.

Yes exactly. Feed with nutes every time you water except for when you flush out buildup salts.

Yes you can wait till like week two of veg. If they demand nutes before then of course a dialed down nute solution can be added.

I’m just at work and will check in with you again after work. :thumb:
Wow really appreciate the help man, very glad I started this log if this is the support it can get! Takes some of the second guessing out of it.. Which as a perfectionist OCD type o constantly do lol!
Just out of curiosity, exactly which "Pro-Mix HP" is it? The plain(?) Pro-Mix HP, which is 65% to 75% peat moss, with the remainder being perlite with some lime thrown in for pH buffering/adjustment and a little wetting agent? Pro-Mix HP Mycorrhizae? Pro-Mix HP Biofungicide? Pro-Mix HP Biostimulant? Pro-Mix HP Biostimulant + Mycorrhizae? Pro-Mix HP Biofungicide + Mycorrhizae? I think that's all the flavors of "Pro-Mix HP" they're selling this year, lol.

In terms of pH / et cetera, are you treating it like soil (mixing your nutrient solution to ~6.5 pH, letting the medium get pretty dry before watering again) or like a hydroponic media (mixing your nutrient solution to ~5.8 pH, not letting the medium get quite so dry between waterings)?

You mentioned that you're a relatively inexperienced cannabis grower - and that the growing medium you ended up buying wasn't what you had walked into the store to purchase, lol - so I'm guessing that you haven't used it before, and might not have read a lot about it. Therefore, I did a quick search of the forum for some threads for you. Be aware that I did not read any of them - you're going to have to do that part ;) . But, hopefully, it will increase your knowledge about the medium that you're using. Here you go:

And, if you don't mind using Google, you can type the following (or copy and paste it) into a Google search box to perform what is called a "site-search" of only this forum, for threads in which the term "promix hp" was mentioned:
site:www.420magazine.com "promix hp"

Looks like there will be around 968 results, lol, so you ought to be able to find something useful in there somewhere.

Good luck with your grow!
Hey @TorturedSoul thanks for stopping by!

I've attached pics of the Promix, it is HP with Mycorrizae. You are right it's not exactly what I wanted but I did spend some time online after coming home with it. I believe I read 6.5PH for this type of medium.. But I think I'm wrong and that was soil.. I'll have to recheck. My plan based on what I've read is to water until runoff and ensure it does not dry out unlike soil so likely daily waterings with 5gal fabric pots.

I havnt added any nutrients yet as its so early on so I will be checking when I do post mix to dial it in. Honestly it sounds super tedious which is why I originally wanted soil so I'd wouldn't need to mix and water as much but I'm sure you get into a groove after awhile.

Thanks for all the links I will definitely be checking them out tonight!

I am thinking of going to a different shop tonight and picking up some either Promix regular soil or fox farm and just using the HP as an additive say 20% for aeration. It's not too late for that but I need to make my mind up soon!
Forgot pics


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Update: early bird seedling hash plant is unfolding nicely. I lowered the light to 20" as the temp are starting to get low here in my Canadian basement and it was okay so far at 25". Medium has felt a little waterlogged so I'm going to skip watering today and leave it alone for a day I know I'm over loving it right now!

TO cookies from the paper towel sprouted and went into a jiffy pellet last night. No sign of the other one that went direct into the pellet after a soak or the damn blue dream. Gonna leave these be as well today, just checked the pellets and they are still warm and moist.


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I’ve had more then a few duds. They crack and sprout, then when put into the pucks. Nothing happens, it’s unfortunate but don’t give up on them yet.

After you water, feel how heavy the pot is. Use that as a judgment on when to water again, the pot is light, the soil looks dry. Time to water :thumb:

A high of one today in Alberta. Woke up to a bit of that white stuff on the ground!! Winter is almost here!!
Yeah the pot felt heavy and a light squeeze dispersed some water from the bottom.

The anticipation is real on the seeds lol!

On another note my outdoor two OG Kush plants are pretty well dried and ready to close trim and jars tonight. I'm glad I harvested when I did last week with the low nighttime temp.

Currently have around 6oz of Green Crack 1.5 weeks in jars and smoking nicely. I am having a bit of a tough time getting humidity in the jars below 68 RH or so. The buds feel dry, no sign of mold and have been opened every day a couple times a day and even left open for 24hrs. Going to leave one of the hygrometers out to check ambient RH.
Yeah most likely, first harvest was excited to try it out although one of the curing links in your signature suggested jarring at 70 RH and going down from there. Either way I've been smoking it and it is some nice shit and getting smoother every day.

Back on track: Houston we have seedlings! 4 for 4, shit is gonna get real I was counting on one to fail and only having 3 lol!

Switched over to the 600w light at a distance of 25" from larger seedling and 28" from the three in the dome on an 20/4 light schedule to help keep it warm.


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