
I’m getting more concerned. I previously posted pics of what I thought was N deficiency and for the most part was told the yellowing was normal. With previous grows the leaves would yellow in flower, but at a much slower rate and not quite so uniform. I am concerned as at this rate there will not be enough fan leaves to compensate for what the plants need to finish.

I am growing a Amnesia Fast a Bubba Kush and one other. The AF and other are the two most affected, the BK seems ok and displays the normal yellowing of just a couple leaves at a time. I don’t think this is a lock issue as other than the yellowing, I see no other deficiencies. Just completed week 4 of flowering for AF and the other. BK is around 10 days behind.

I am using advanced hydroponics, dutch formula 3 part. Grow, Bloom and Micro. After the stretch, I cut the Grow down to 25% of what I was feeding and increased the Bloom. Shortly after the change, I started seeing the yellowing. I increased the Grow back to 50% of the max they were getting and started supplementing with Epsom Salts at 2 tbs per 8 litres of nute mixed water every other watering. I water 3 plants with 10 litres of nute supplemented water every other day; pots are light by the end of the 2nd day. Currently feeding – 1ml Grow, 2.5ml Bloom and 1ml Micro per L. I soak the soil slowly and fully.

If this is a lock out, wouldn’t the sugar leaves and bud growth show a deficiency as well? I could really use some input. Maybe this is normal and I am overreacting? Thank you in advance for any assistance.


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I’m getting more concerned. I previously posted pics of what I thought was N deficiency and for the most part was told the yellowing was normal. With previous grows the leaves would yellow in flower, but at a much slower rate and not quite so uniform. I am concerned as at this rate there will not be enough fan leaves to compensate for what the plants need to finish.

I am growing a Peyote Forum, Amnesia Fast and a Bubba Kush. The PF and AF are the two most affected, the BK seems ok and displays the normal yellowing of just a couple leaves at a time. I don’t think this is a lock issue as other than the yellowing, I see no other deficiencies. Just completed week 4 of flowering for AF and PF. BK is around 10 days behind.

I am using advanced hydroponics, dutch formula 3 part. Grow, Bloom and Micro. After the stretch, I cut the Grow down to 25% of what I was feeding and increased the Bloom. Shortly after the change, I started seeing the yellowing. I increased the Grow back to 50% of the max they were getting and started supplementing with Epsom Salts at 2 tbs per 8 litres of nute mixed water every other watering. I water 3 plants with 10 litres of nute supplemented water every other day; pots are light by the end of the 2nd day. Currently feeding – 1ml Grow, 2.5ml Bloom and 1ml Micro per L. I soak the soil slowly and fully.

If this is a lock out, wouldn’t the sugar leaves and bud growth show a deficiency as well? I could really use some input. Maybe this is normal and I am overreacting? Thank you in advance for any assistance.
They look great, just normal growth not too much to panic about, keep an eye on it and adjust nutes accordingly, sounds like you know what you are doing
Some strains get more yellow fan leafs than others once in flowering.

If you had lock out why are the other plants not effected ? you feed/water them all the same.
They simply need more nutrients three weeks into flower you must feed more they are blooming heavy and need more p-k.It is not lock out.Plants grown under the sun require more nutrients then lamp grown plants do.Instructions on feed usually refer to plants being grown indoors under lamps not outdoor sun grown.
They simply need more nutrients three weeks into flower you must feed more they are blooming heavy and need more p-k.It is not lock out.Plants grown under the sun require more nutrients then lamp grown plants do.Instructions on feed usually refer to plants being grown indoors under lamps not outdoor sun grown.
I was thinking they needed more and was hesitant to up the P&K as I am near the max recommended now and they say to use 1/2 strength in soil. As I am giving close to max for hydro, I started thinking the soil was locked. I'll up the nutrients. They are acting like that's what they need. I was thinking too much. Thanks
In soil ... I grow organically in soil. This yellowing you have is completely normal. Just water enough and dont worry about old fan leaves. They have a job, part of it is giving back stored nutrition to the pant before they FALL off.

This is all done with plant growth regulators.
They are still getting yellower, the lowers are looking great. I think its ok but would like to slow it down. I upped the bloom. We have had a cold wet couple days so I put them under cover. Thank you for the help.


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For the last two watering s I further upped the p&K/bloom and bottled micro nutrients. I feed every watering. I have also been using a local product for enzymes at minimal dosage. It’s been cooler so it’s been taking three days rather than two between watering. Yesterday I added another dose of molasses and upped the dose of enzymes and further cut the N to 1/16th of the max they were getting in veg. Today they are thriving. Hungry plants. I never skimped on the nutrients.

The yellowing has slowed and it seems that some of the necroses has even started to reverse. Thanks everyone for the help and input.


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If this was a nutrient lock out issue governed by a PH issue why is the plants not showing other signs of nutrient defs ?

In nature when Autumn comes the leafs drop of trees your plant is nearing its end of cycle you might just loose some leafs in the process...

Instead peeps just get a bong hit of the most paranoid weed they can get their hands on & freak out over a yellow leaf blaming all sorts of weird sizzle !

I'm sure Forest Gump once said... It happens which inspired some one to create a bumper sticker - Shit Happens
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