E-Juice with MBM2: What did I do wrong?


420 Member
Hello fellow 420 med patients

So I've been trying to make a legit E Juice from awhile now and have not succeeded once in the last 4 times trying to make it. So I figured maybe If I get the Magic Butter Machine 2, it will help with the consistency and other variables. After this last batch I'm throwing my hands in the air and asking for help because I just don't know what to do, the juice vapes fine it is just extremely weak to the point where I'm questioning if it is even working at all.

So here is what was done:

1. Used 2 ounces of sugar leaf trim and 4.5 grams of kief and decarbed it for 1 hour @ 245 degrees Fahrenheit (recommended by Marijuana Growers HQ – Decarboxylating Cannabis: Turning THCA into THC )
2. Then cooled it down by putting it in the freezer for roughly 15 minutes, then added the decarbed material into the MBM2
3. Then added 1.75 cups of VG and .5 cup of PG
4. Set the temp to 160 and clicked the 8 hour tincture button
5. filtered the resulting material through the 190 micron bag provided by MBM2
6. Drew some up in a syringe and put some drops on a average RBA on a Joyetech Cuboid
7. Vaped like 15 hits and thought something was felt but wasn't entirely sure.

So, does anyone know what went wrong or how to possibly salvage this experiment? Preferably to make it stronger if possible, but if there is no possible way of doing that then I am open to any suggestions on what to do with the resulting E juice and/or the filtered out material (I saved all the material used).

If anyone has any advice, thoughts, opinions, ....ect (related to the topic). Then I will forever be in your debt and cant thank you enough.

E :Namaste:
U figure this out yet?

I know its an old thread, but there is a great method on Utube using a simple hair straightener, simple, fast and i guess very effective.
VG or PG will not break down the herb for extraction. You have to use a high percent grain alcohol (everclear) to do this. MBM needs at least 3 cups. After the 8 hours add 100ml of VG and run again for 4 hours. Strain mixture and then in a water bath heat on low to evaporate as much alcohol as you can (NO OPEN FLAMES!!!) May take several hours but try to get the total down to about 120ml. You should now be able to vape in most sub ohm vapes.
I wanted to post about my experiences with attempting to make home-made weed infused concoctions at home. I'd love some advice of where i'm going wrong and maybe my own experiences can help a few others on a similar path.
This all started for me with buying some THC Vape Juice on the dark net. I tried a few different types (mainly pre-sealed vape carts) before stumbling upon some incredible (cheesecake flavoured) vape juice (not in pre mixed carts - just the liquid). It was so good, tasted amazing and gave me the perfect high, not too strong but a lovely hit every puff. After rolling spliffs for 30yrs I couldn't believe how nice it tasted, how easy to use it was and marveled at how it smelt of absolutely nothing! It was so good I found myself using it quite heavily, soon I realised at the price i was paying (around £25 for 10ml - could easily get through one in a day) it was going to turn into an extremely expensive habit. This is the point I started to look into making it myself.
Having read through various guides (and being a bit rubbish at boiling crock pots in hot baths etc) I decided to invest in some equipment to help me. Having learnt how important decarboxylation is to the process, I purchased the Nova Lift having previously tried (unsuccessfully) to use my oven. Great piece of kit, perfectly de-carbed weed every time, I highly recommend it. However my attempts to mix it in the Nova Lift with VG & PG to make Vape Juice didn't work very well, my juice appeared to have no potency and also tasted horrible.
I did more reading and it seemed the piece of kit I was missing was the Magic Butter Machine (2) to help infuse my lovely de-carbed weed. This arrived and I attempted to experiment. Those that have the MBM know you need quite a large amount to run a cycle. My first attempt I put half an ounce of de-carbed skunk mixed with around 500ml of VG (8hr cycle 160F). What came out was a thick green liquid. I added a tiny amount of PG to the mix (around 30% ratio) but the resulting liquid not only lacked potency but after a few puffs from my vape horrible burning taste at the back of my throat. A bit more reading - burning sensation is apparently from the PG. One batch ruined! So i made another batch (honestly it was like Breaking Bad in my kitchen!). This time I added loads more skunk for potency - around 1 and a quarter ounce of decarbed weed. Ran it on the 8hr 160F cycle. Similar looking liquid emerged but much stronger tasting. I was very careful this time with the PG, only added a tiny amount. But yet again, horrible burning sensation after a few puffs. I have 3 different Vape pens and tried different coils / wattages but always same burning taste. I have the Aspire Nautilus mini and vaping low with a variable mod (around 9w) with a 1.5ohm coil I could vape 4/5 puffs but eventually burning taste. Additionally, despite adding all the extra weed the potency was still very low, wasn't sure if it was working at all tbh. In the end, I tried just drinking some of the VG infused juice. If i drank a shot of around 20ml I would get pretty high. But it takes a lot of vaping to get through this amount of juice so I just gave up vaping it.
Finally (if you are still reading) and feeling a bit despondent given I'd invested all the money in equipment and wasted a fair bit of weed experimenting - I decided to use the MBM to make alcohol tincture. I used some Polish vodka i bought off the net (95% proof) and mixed an ounce of de-carbed skunk on the 8hr cycle at 130F. It was immediately obvious that the weed mixes much better with the alcohol. It seemed to dissolve much better into the alcohol and the remaining liquid was much easier to handle than the sticky thick VG infused liquid. Having read about tinctures I tried sublingual dosing first - wow, this was crazily painful - the 95% proof infused liquid absolutely burns the underneath of your tongue off! Could only manage to keep it under my tongue for a few seconds before sprinting off to the fridge to down some cold water. Does anyone else have these problems with sublingual dosing? I've looked on line and no one seems to complain about it! Anyway, once I'd dealt with the pain (!) yet again I wasn't feeling much effect. In the end, I did a shot of the alcohol (around 10ml) and bang, I was totally wasted! So now, I'm just doing the odd shot of this and its very effective when I drink it but no effect when i drop it under my tongue.
So this is where I am at the moment.
What I would love to know is - can anyone give me advice of how to make better THC vape liquid which has better potency and better taste? I've read about Roisin extraction and people adding small amount of VG/PG to concentrates - is there a better method with the Nova Lift & MBM? As I said before, the VG doesn't seem to absorb the weed as well as the alcohol, I wondered if I should try and steep the weed with the VG for a couple of months and then run it through the MBM? Would that have more potency? And how do I prevent the burning taste? The liquid I bought on the dark net never ever tasted of burning however much I smoked it. Is smoking it through a vape just a really inefficient way of taking it and maybe I should just give up on trying to perfect the recipe.
Then with tinctures - whats going on with sublingual dosing and am I doing it wrong or just a softie? For a stronger tincture should i just add more weed (I made 500ml with 1 ounce - so do I add another half an ounce? 2 ounces?) Would the tincture also be stronger if I steeped the weed in the alcohol for a few months before running through MBM?
I'd really appreciate anyone who has any help / advice / comments / thoughts on all the above. I'd love to fine tune my methods but experimenting is very expensive and i want to get it right next time I try it!
Thanking you in advance! :)
I have the same problems. I cannot seem to concoct a decent tincture, or CCO, or butter. I have the mb machine also. I have made butter only a time or two that had any kick to it. the other 5 or 6 times was a bust. tincture....no kick, I think my bud is low percentage thc. I have finaly got some good genitics almost ready to harvest and will give it another try.! I tried the vg recipie from mb and that had no kick either. would love to create some good vape juice. maybe someone will enlighten us?
Rosin is the answer, decarbing thc is easy and mixing with vape fluid is easy by adding low heat and blending. I prefer a conventrates pen....press rosin, in pen, smoke it straight away, done.
Med user too, soooo much easier, easier to pit in caps too.
no one out there with any tips or advice? come and help a fellow stoner :)
Have you checked out the quick wash method as described in cco forum? Very good how to with pics. I have tried it twice. first one only produced a half a teaspoon of tar. the second time I think I did it. I could not get any of the experienced oil makers to comment on what I did but hey I think I figured it out anyway! Then I took my concentrated cannabis oil and heated it with small amount of vegetable glycerin for about three hours in oil bath at 130 degrees. Then added very small amount of propelene glycol (but not heated) to aid in the right combustion ratio? Seems to work pretty good. with my own strain creation Supertega (supernatural x ortega). I dont think it has a real high thc level but, have some high thc soon to be harvested and can try again hopefully with better results.


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Rosin is the answer, decarbing thc is easy and mixing with vape fluid is easy by adding low heat and blending. I prefer a conventrates pen....press rosin, in pen, smoke it straight away, done.
Med user too, soooo much easier, easier to pit in caps too.

Hey Lowrider72, thanks for replying.
Yes, the more I am reading the more Rosin seems to be the recommended route.
I have purchased a mini Rosin press to start with, I have parchment paper etc.
I'd love to hear a little bit more about your method if you don't mind sharing.
Once I have pressed to get the Rosin, what are the recommended steps to turn that into vape juice?
I think I read you need to add wax emulsifier or something is that what you do?

When you say " decarbing thc is easy and mixing with vape fluid is easy by adding low heat and blending" - are you referring to the Rosin process? I'd love to hear more about what you mean by this.

Thank you so much in advance for sharing.
Happy smoking :)
Have you checked out the quick wash method as described in cco forum? Very good how to with pics. I have tried it twice. first one only produced a half a teaspoon of tar. the second time I think I did it. I could not get any of the experienced oil makers to comment on what I did but hey I think I figured it out anyway! Then I took my concentrated cannabis oil and heated it with small amount of vegetable glycerin for about three hours in oil bath at 130 degrees. Then added very small amount of propelene glycol (but not heated) to aid in the right combustion ratio? Seems to work pretty good. with my own strain creation Supertega (supernatural x ortega). I dont think it has a real high thc level but, have some high thc soon to be harvested and can try again hopefully with better results.
thanks for replying mate. no I have not tried this method and I am intrigued. can you please share a link? thank you
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